Chapter 22 He's back

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They went back to the others and then they decided on what to have for dinner. Then Jack remembered the dead bear in the basement area, he just sighed and took it out and threw it somewhere in the forest cause the meat was already spoiled. He went back to the group and just smiled "sorry guys, plans for tonight's dinner is ruined. So we can eat out tonight, wherever you all want to go." Jack said. They took a vote and only 2 people didn't vote, those 2 people being Hannah and Jack.

The vote was a tie and so Jack just spoke up, "all of you get in, I know a place, I'll drive." He said. "Wait, why are you always driving Jay's car? Why not one of us when he's not here?" One of them asked. Jack just chuckled and looked at Hannah and smiled. "Cause he may trust you guys to an extent, but there is 2 people who he trusts completely, those 2 being me and Hannah, so if I'm not driving she is." He answered. "But I don't have my license yet, so I can't drive. And plus he knows the location, the rest of us don't." Hannah said, backing him up. They all seemed to agree then, then they all got in and Jack started driving there. "Hey Hannah, can you call someone for me?" Jack asked. "Sure, who is it?" Hannah asked and brought out her phone. "A guy" is all Jack said before telling her the number. As soon as it started to ring, Jack took it and it was answered after the second ring. "Hey it's me, this group and I will be there in about a minute." is all he said and hung up. He gave Hannah back her phone and when they got there a person was standing out front.

"Wait here until I motion for you to come" Jack said and exited the car. Hannah was a little confused at what he was doing and she saw him go up to the guy and say a few things, they started up a little conversation then the guy nodded and Jack motioned for them to come. They got out and walked up and went inside, "have a seat, menus will be out in a minute, I need to go have a chat with someone." Jack said and the rest of the group did as they was told except Hannah who just nodded and then sat down, making sure an empty chair was next to her so he would have to sit down by her. Jack entered a side room with the guy from before and disappeared behind the door.

About a minute later the menus came out and were placed where everyone was and one in the still empty seat, Hannah was a bit worried and wondered where Jack could be right now. Just then she heard the main door open and Jay walked in with his mask sewn back together like it was never torn. She watched him go over and sit down beside her and pick up the menu while everyone looked at him. "What?" He asked in his usual monotoned voice. The group just went back to looking at the menu and a waitress came over and got them drinks first. "Where have you been and how did you know to meet us here? And when is Jack coming back?" Asked someone. "I knew to come here from Jack and my mask got torn so I had to go and fix it. As for Jack, well he was only here cause I asked him to be and he stayed cause I was gone. He will come back when I tell him to." Jay responded with. Hannah knew though, she knew he went back there and did something and got his mask fixed. Their drinks came and then they ordered food, "my father said something that caught my attention, he said that he was around cause you knew something he wanted and to always follow orders by the person named Jay Colsen, so is Jay your real name or not?" Marshall asked and the group looked at him while he just stared at him and Hannah took a drink from her soda.

"No, Jay Colsen is not my real name, but it is the name I go by. And yes I know what your father wants, and I'm purposely not giving it to him. Cause I don't trust what the military will do with it once they have it." Jay said and then took a drink of his coffee. "What is it he wants? And why don't you trust the military?" Asked someone else. "Damn, you all sure have lots of questions tonight, but I'll play along. I don't trust the military because they kept a lot of secrets from us and I think they still do, if they did it once, they will do it again." He responded. "Like for instance, project Maven, Project Star Wars, And Project Rods of God. I can't remember the exact details of Project Star Wars, but Project maven was them trying to get google to work with them on something. Project Rods of God was them trying to make a nuclear bomb without the after affects. Meaning a nuke without the radiation, which would be something new but also something I wouldn't trust. And if they kept this stuff from us, then what else are they keeping hidden?" Jay said and asked while the waitress handed out the food. "Okay, that explains that, but what is it they want?" Darrian asked.

Jay Just grabbed his fork, picked up a piece of his food, examined it and took a bite. "The demon-cat" Hannah answered and took a bite of her food. The rest looked at her confused. After she swallowed the food in her mouth she looked at them and shrugged. "What? The general went over to Jay's place and I was there at that time. So he asked about it and so on, that's how I know" she answered again.

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