Chapter 23 Beautiful Fireworks

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They went back and one of them jumped out of the car and went into the cabin while the rest stood outside. "Hannah, this way" is all Jay said before motioning her off to the side. "Follow me" he said and continued walking through the forest with Hannah behind him and then they got to the cave. "We seem to come here quite often now" she said. "Yeah, now close your eyes" he said. She did and then she felt herself be lifted up and carried as she blushed a little. Jay carried her around and continued going up till they were at the top and standing on the cave. Jay put her back on her feet and faced her towards the edge.

"Open them" he said and she did. She was staring directly at the setting sun. She turned around to say something but she saw him sitting down on a blanket and then he patted a spot beside him for her to sit. So then she went and sat down beside him and watched the sun set. Jay just removed the mask and watched it with her as night fell and fireworks rose from below. "You, you had this planned didn't you? Almost this entire trip you had planned" she said. "nope, I couldn't have planned on the windigo showing, or the were-brid showing up, or tearing my mask" Jay said. "All my plan was, was to bring the group out here and reveal to you who I am behind the mask. I was going to, right here" He continued.

"Why right here?" She asked. "The view" he answered. She looked out at the sky and looked at the fireworks. "Yeah, it's an amazing view" she said. "It truly is" Jay said while staring at her, she just blushed a little and playfully pushed him. "D-don't tease me like that" she practically whispered. "I'm not" he said while looking into Hannah's eyes. "Hannah, back in the cabin, you told me, you told Jay that you loved me still. And I should've made it pretty clear by now how I feel about you" he said while she just noticed how little space was between them. He leaned In slowly as did she and in that moment while the sun was halfway visible with the stars showing and the moon visible as a mortar firework exploded in front of them, the 2 shared a kiss. When they pulled away from each other slightly while still ready to go ahead and start making out Jay just whispered "happy Independence Day" as they leaned in and set off their own set of fireworks just for them to see.

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