The end

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Hello everyone reading this, I- uh, I've never actually done this before so be prepared for some stuff to be butchered. Anyways my name is Zeref and I would like to explain some things about this "book", seems how it's over now. This novel isn't what it seem to be, it's actually about something else entirely instead of a juvenile delinquent with a monster inside him and meeting a beautiful woman who can help, it's actually about real life. This novel is to let people know what is actually going on, people are fighting battles, sometimes war with themselves on the inside and that can affect them in more ways then just one. The Beast Within (Or TBW), well the were-brid is a monster, a monster inside most of us, it is our anger and rage, and the demon some of us are fighting. In this story Jay is battling his demons and his past and as they fought, Jay was trying to make things right with people and steering them away from the path he walked down. He met Hannah in the darkest of times and even at a young age, Hannah was helping him fight his demons, and returns to help him fight both his demons and his past. You can find allies and true friends anywhere in the world, who will stand with you in The darkest or the brightest of times, so yeah. Some of the personalities are based off real people, along with some names, but please, be kind to own and other in real life, you don't know what someone is going through either at their home or in their head. Some people say Emo people cut for attention, that is not always the case. Some do it to finally feel again after being so numb, others do it to stave off their demons and keep fighting the long fight. I can't speak for every emo or most of them, I only speak for anyone who wants to stand behind these words. Not so long ago I was feeling so numb that it didn't matter what happened, I didn't feel anything, emotionally or literally, so I cut, I slashed my wrists and forearms till there was nothing but blood. But this story isn't about me, it's about you, yes you, the one reading this, it's about you and all the others fighting the invisible fight. A fight that can't be seen, a fight that never ends, the battle inside yourself. Some of you may not be satisfied with this ending or may wonder what comes next front the story, let me tell you. This isn't the end, don't let the title misguide you, this is the end for TBW, but it's not the end of the story, for its only just begun, a sequel will be out soon. Thank you for your time and be considerate of others, I hope you all win the battle against your inner demons if you haven't yet.

And if you have any questions about anything in this story, feel free to email me at, until next time dear readers

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