Chapter 4 just an unexpected job

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As soon as Jay left the restaurant he started heading to his first job. He didn't mind it much, but sometimes it got really annoying for him. For this job he was a company called painter's union, all his job for this was paint bridges, water towers, etc. and the best part was it payed good money.

While he was walking to the this job he got a call from his other boss, James. Jay was very annoyed but he heard how much this one payed and so he went ahead and answered his phone. "Hey, Jay we already got a house for you to do. They requested it to be done before 12. A full house repair is what they requested and so this one will be your paycheck for the week, all 2k." is what James says to him."alright what's the address of this house?" Jay asked. "Glad you took it and it's 25 on Elm St. come by the building to get the supplies you need for it" is what James answered with. "Ok I'm on it" says Jay as he hangs up the phone and turns around to go grab the materials.

It took him 5 minutes to get to the his 2nd job's supply room. James was standing right there with the box he needs, "good you're here, here's all the stuff you need now where do you want it?"asked James. "Just give it to me and I'll be on my way" said Jay. "Well how are you gonna get there? Walk?" laughed James. "Yeah that's exactly how and that is also how I get around, is by walking" said Jay. "You seriously don't have a car?" asked James and then Jay just shook his head. "Well shit, here you can use my car" said James as he was handing Jay the box and the keys to his car. "Thanks, boss" Jay said as he took the box and keys. "No problem and don't call me boss, you can call me James" he said. "Alright then see you after I finish repairing the house" is what Jay responds with.

As Jay drove to the house he started thinking who would ask for a full house repair on Saturday. Then when he pulled up he noticed who. "We have to stop meeting like this" is the first thing Jay said as he stepped out of the car. "Well, I am new to this town and this was the house my parents chose" said Hannah. "Alright, so which do you want to be done first?" asked Jay and so Hannah said "how about the roof first, start on the outside and work your way in." So Jay started with tiling the roof.

Then she asked "why are so many people afraid of you? You seem like a nice guy" "well considering the impression I left when I came to this town kinda gave of the message that you don't want to mess with me" said Jay. "So how did you end up in this town?" She asked. "Well like I told you my family died and so I was stranded here. My mother was an only child and my father had a brother but he has cancer. My grandmother died giving birth to my father and my grandfather has Alzheimer's. So I have no relative that I can stay with" said Jay. "What about the grandparents on your mothers side?" She then asked . "Dead as well also my fault" is all jay said about it so then Hannah asked "have you ever considered going to an adoption center?" Then jay responded with "I was adopted twice, so now every orphanage thinks I'm cursed."

Now that new shingles was placed on the roof Jay moved on to replacing the paint on the house. "Wait so let me get this straight, you have been adopted twice, you have no living relative to stay with, and the last family's death was your fault?" asked Hannah. "Yeah that's pretty much it" said Jay, who then stopped for a minute and asked her "why am I telling you all of this? Normally I would lie about it, but why is it I can't lie to you?". "I don't know why, I guess it's because how different we are from one another" she said. And after that they never talked again as long as he worked and when Jay finished packing up and got in the car he shouted at her "tell anybody about anything I said I will kill you and put your grave in the basement!!!" and so she just smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

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