chapter 19 Breakfast with an old friend

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Jack wakes up and he's right against Hannah, he's not surprised but that still doesn't stop the heat rising to his face. He then shakes his head and moves back to his side of the bed and sits up, rubbing his face. He got up and grabbed a change of clothes before taking a quick shower, changing and grabbing his keys. Then he heard a door open and looked and saw Hannah and he smiled, "morning, have a good rest?" He asked her. "Yeah, I guess. kind of hungry right now." She said while yawning a little. "Well I was just about to grab a bite to eat, want to join?" He asked her. "Sure, nothing goes on here without Jay anyways" she answered.

Jack and Hannah got in his car and he started it up and drove off with her to someplace to eat. On the way there Jack decided to turn on the radio and listen to music as well, so he turned on his favorite channel. Jack began to sing along to it, he knew this song by heart, Judgement Day by Stealth. "I won't run the guilt is mine, still I'm denying all my crimes, face what deserve, here comes Judgement day. All the love I have taken, all the hearts I've turned to hate, hearts are easily broken when you've been made in the shade" and after a little bit they finally arrived. They got out and Hannah smiled at him. He just looked at her confused "why are you so happy?" He asked her. "I haven't heard you sing for years, it's just refreshing is all" she answered while still smiling. "So what is this place?" She asked him. "A good place to grab a bite to eat, Mary B's" he answered. "Why here?" She asked him. "Good food, decent price, and a triple stacked pancakes that you can order and have strawberries put on it or chocolate chips and a side of bacon if you want." He answered as he could almost see actual stars in her eyes. "Pancakes..." is all she mumbled. They went in, got seated and ordered drinks. "What can I get the lovely couple to drink?" Asked the waitress. Jack just looked at Hannah as her face heated up a little and answered, "n-no, we aren't a couple." "Really, so that must mean your available" said the waitress while looking at Jack. He just chuckled at this while Hannah was practically glaring daggers into her. "Actually, I'm already interested in Someone, and I have been for years. So the answer is no, I'm not available, not now, and I have a feeling not ever if everything goes good" he answered. The waitress looked upset at this and wrote down on a piece of paper and handed it to Jack. "Well, in any case you are, I'm usually free" she said. He just slipped it into his pocket and smiled and then he ordered some drinks for the both of them. "It seems today is a good day, I'm here, alone, with you, and i already have a fire starter for tonight" he smiled while staring into Hannah's eyes.

She stifled a laugh before maintaining a smile. "Is that the only reason you took that?" She asked him. "Yeah, as I said, I'm already interested in someone, so I'm not available to anyone but her." He answered. "So are you available for dinner at some point?" She asked him with her head tilted to the left a little as a strand of her hair fell in front of her face. Jack Just moved it back behind her ear and smiled. "for you, I'm always available." He answered with his hand on her cheek with him still staring into her eyes and smiling.

He then pulled his hand away as the drinks came in "how did you know what I wanted to drink?" She asked him. He just chuckled "I've known you almost our entire lives, I know you don't drink alcohol all that much, and you prefer soda in the evenings and a glass of milk in the morning." He answered, remembering every detail. "Would you like to order your food now?" The waitress from before asked. "Yeah, although I'd say we already made up our minds before we walked in the door." Jack said while still maintaining his stare at Hannah's eyes. Hannah looked back at him and smiled as they both said in unison "triple stacked pancakes with strawberries, chocolate chips, some butter and syrup and a side of bacon." The waitress just smiled and said "of course, we'll have it out here soon." And left with the order as Jack and Hannah shares a laugh. The food came by a little later and as they ate they talked, just like a normal pair of teenagers instead of a beast and the one it hadn't killed.

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