Chapter 3 The unexpected meet up

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As soon as Jay regained consciousness he started looking around. He figured out he was a block away from his apartment so he checked the time, it was 5 in the morning. He didn't bother going to his place first, first he checked to make sure all his stuff was on him and it still was.

He then walked to the restaurant he always goes to Saturday morning, and he did the natural thing and grabbed a newspaper and walked inside. "The usual today Jay?" asked the waitress that always went out of her way to serve him. "Yeah the usual sounds good, thanks Mary" says Jay. "It's no problem at all Jay" she responds with.

As she walked towards the back Jay picked up his newspaper and started reading today's edition so he could see how much people he killed this time. Last time it was 12 people, now that number has increased by 36. 47 cops and 1 teacher this time and he wished he could have done something about it but he never can.

As soon as he turned the page his coffee was placed down in front of him. "Your food will be a minute is that alright?" asked Mary. "Yeah that's fine" replies Jay. Then off she went to serve other customers while Jay went back to reading his newspaper.

"Well she's something" says Hannah as she walks up to where Jay is sitting. "When did you get here? And we are just friends." answers Jay. "Well it's obvious that I came here for breakfast, and I've been here for a total of 5 minutes now" she says as she sits down.

"We need to talk" are the next words to leave her mouth. "About?" is what Jay replies with. "About what happened yesterday" she says. "Alright but first order some food and a drink, you originally came here for breakfast did you not?" is what Jay says. "Okay, but where's yours?" she asked.

As if right on cue comes Mary with his food. "Sorry it took so long, the chef was busy. Who's this? A friend of yours?" asks Mary. "Something like that. I wouldn't call us friends just yet, more like acquaintances" says Jay. "Okay and what would you like to eat?" Mary asked Hannah. "Just some pancakes will do" says Hannah. "Okay and anything to drink?" Mary asked her, giving her best waitress smile. "Umm. how about some chocolate milk?" Hannah asked her. "Okay it will be done in a few minutes" says Mary.

After Hannah's food has arrived

"So where's your family?" asked Jay. "Sleeping. Where are yours?" she replied and asked. "Dead" is the only thing Jay says as he takes another bite of his toast. "Wait what? How did they die? Where are you staying?" asked Hannah. "1 have you noticed you ask too many questions. 2 I said dead as in they died. 3 it's my fault they died. And 4 I am staying in an apartment a few blocks from here." answers Jay. "Why can't I lie to her like everyone else?" Jay asks himself inside his head. He was soon snapped out of it by Hannah saying "thanks for talking with me Jay" is what she says as she gets up and goes for her wallet. "No problem and no need I will pay for it, after all I was here first and you got to know a bit more about me" says Jay. "Thanks Jay I will see ya around I guess?" she asks him. "Probably, after all I have a job to get to now" says Jay as he leaves a tip for Mary. And soon after that the leave going their separate ways.

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