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Jaylen's Pov

While sitting back and telling Chris how to clean up, somebody knocked on the door,While he was changing Zayden I answered it.

"Ahhh shit wats up Jay,when you get here"Tyga said walking in and giving me a hug

"Hey Ty"I laughed

"Damn yall together already"He laughed

"Nah just-"Just then Chris walked in

"Wats up Ty"He said while holding Zayden

"Wats good man,Did i come at a bad time"Tyga said putting his hand out for Zayden to give him a high five

"No actually we were about to go"I said taking Zayden from Chris

"Why yall leaving now"He asked

"I promised Bree I would help her with something"They both looked at me

"I guess I'll see y'all whenever"I said

Chris kissed Zayden head and we left......


"We here"I yelled walking in Bree house,Her,Nicki and Alonna was sitting at the dinning room table

"Damn bae you getting thick"Nicki said giving me a hug

"Im trying but what yall doin"I put Zayden down and let him run around

"Nothing really,we was just talking and helping her ass with these clothes but where you been"Alonna said

"I was just driving around in my new car"I said

"No way,Bitch you got a new car"Bree said running out the door to see it

"Just so you know we taking pictures in this bitch"I laughed as they all looked at it

We all sat at the table

"So how you and this Chris shit goin"Bree said making everybody look at me

"Wtf is she talking about"Alonna said

"Nothing,me and Chris are trying this coparenting shit "She smacked her lips

"Yea right,Yo ass probably went back to him"She said glaring at me

"First of all I didnt,the only reason im even talking to Chris is because of Zayden so dont do that ,We cool but just coparenting cool" I said getting irritated

"Yea and I think it's good for them,you don't always gotta be the labels babymomma and baby daddy drama,I'm happy for them"Nicki said

"Aight I get that,but just keep in mind don't go head first into this shit Jaylen"Alonna said

"Tbh whatever me and Chris have going on don't have anything to do with any of you just like talk relationships have shit to do with me"Alonna nodded

"You right sis,I just don't want you to waste your time like I almost did with Ty"She said

"Girls stop it,you and Ty are made for each other,just stop being mean"Bree said

"Anyway what's up with you and yo man anyway"I asked Alonna,She rolled her eyes and smiled

"I dont have one"She shrugged

"For real girl i think you and Tyga should get back together,y'all have no real reason not to be together right now besides y'all mfs being stubborn"Bree said,She looked down

"I thought about it but idk what to say and plus he got a girl last I saw"Alonna said

"If you want me to I can talk to him for you"I said,Alonna looked at me

It Won't Stop(Trust Issues Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now