8: First night together

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You and Impmon arrive at an inn. There seem to be a lot of frogs with trumpets on their necks running about. You take a glance at Impmon, or would if he still was there. You hop off Behemoth and decide walking in. There he is! ...Pestering the inn manager of course. "So as I was saying you should all be honored to have the great Impmon with you since I happen to be the child Demon Lord of Gluttony." The frog starts shouting at him. "No, we have no proof-geko. And we don't treat digimon here for free-geko. Not depending who they are-geko."

You clear your throat. "And how is the great Demon Lord going to treat his bride for the night?" you say, nearly mocking him without giving off your poker face. He turns all red and starts stuttering. "I-I was just getting a honeymoon suite for us, m-m-my love.." The frog looks at you two in distrust. "Where are the rings?" You just point at the scarf. "We wed in the middle of a battle. We exchanged scarfs because we didn't have rings" you lie. "Right, my sweet little Demon Lord?" you continue with a mocking undertone in your voice. He nods furiously, knowing it's the end of him if he messes up.

"In that case, if you're newlyweds we can offer you a room but only for this night. We'll prepare breakfast for you in the morning" the frog says. "Here is the key. Welcome to the Gekomon Inn." Impmon pokes out his tongue at the inn manager. You gently swat his head and hold his hand. "Upstairs wing E-F, room 523." He walks right beside you as you escort him there. It's already night so you're pretty tired, having trained and all. You open the door, walk in together, throw everything but your underwear away and dive into the bed. Impmon crawls under the same blanket, right next to you. When you fall asleep your back is facing him and he hugs you from behind.

It's warm. Strong arms hold you gently, coming from behind. "Mmmmnh..." you groan softly as your hands grab a hold of the arms, as if telling to never let go. The tips of your fingers feel leather and metal under them. You open your eyes and notice the arms' appearance seem sort of faded and transparent. "Oh, you're awake?" a voice speaks behind you. You know this voice - it must be him!

"Glutto....ny..?" you mutter out with a tired voice. "So you know my sin, huh? I'm glad that we get to meet again" his voice speaks, sounding ever so sweet and gentle. You rub your eyes. "How...? When did you get here?" The arm of his which is free to move for being on the side you're not laying on slides slow and soft through your body, all the way from your hips to your neck. The hand finds its way to the cheek of yours on which side you're laying. It pets your cheek before the thumb brushes over your lower lip gently. "My vessel is asleep and my self, my memories, are sleeping within him. But my spirit is strong. It felt really great to reside within you even for a little while in the start. What you're feeling embrace you, this voice you hear, it's all projection of my spirit, using the physical capabilities of this vessel to hold you. It really feels wonderful, (Y/N)."

Tears well up in your eyes. "So this Impmon isn't you?" You feel his breath close to your ear. "He is, but what's different is how much of him is affected by my spirit and memories. He has some core memories that are necessary for him but they're from me. As he grows he will unlock more of me, in exchange having my spirit sewn into him more tightly and our identities will become one when he reaches my former level." You start crying. "Don't leave me, please.. Stay with me just for this night.." He turns you around gently to have you face him. He has a mask and three red eyes, all of them looking at you softly. He moves his hand under your chin, lifting it as he closes his eyes and places a loving kiss on your lips.

You answer to the sweet kiss, placing your hand on the back of his head and more like pull him closer to you, deepening the kiss. Tears still stream down your face. Your leg places over the pair of his and his metallic-looking tail wraps around the leg, his hand keeping you close by your waist and the other on the back of your neck. The passionate kiss is paused by you for the lack of air. You pant, blushing heavily. He smiles at you. "I didn't know the reserved girl I was so captivated by was so hungry for me~" His lips part a little before placing them against the pair of yours. You kiss back, hungering for more of him. After a moment of more wild kissing, he pulls back and chuckles. "I really wouldn't mind to glutton you all night," he starts and the hand on your waist wanders lower. "but that shall wait until I'm whole again. I didn't want to end this with Heartbreak Shot, but I can't keep this form up for long. Now, sleep well.." He kisses your forehead before his spirit induces Impmon's Hypnotism to lure you back to sound sleep.

In the morning you wake up only to find Impmon hugging himself against your belly, his other hand touching your butt. "Oh my god... Was it a drea-" you wonder before looking into the mirror on the wall and noticing a hickey on the other side of your neck with teeth marks surrounding it. They're of considerable size so Impmon couldn't have done it. "Stupid Demon Lord... Now I look very nice and hurt."

The light-filled room echoes with knocks and the trumpet-necked frog walks in with a huge serving cart, full of food. It looks at you for a moment before opening its mouth. "I see you two had a... pleasurable night. I'll leave the cart here so you can help yourselves." Impmon opens his eyes slowly, looking at you for a moment, then your hickey and moves his gaze to the cart before jumping straight up. "FOOD!!!"

You place your hand on the bruise, noticing it must have been done only half an hour earlier since it's still a little wet of saliva. Your fingers brush over the wet spot before you smell them. They smell just like his taste last night. You place a kiss on your saliva-soaked finger and smile before noticing what you just did was gross in a way.

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