43: Samael

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"I hate you because you're an arrogant, self-serving drunk who does nothing but smokes and eats and sleeps and wants to harm girls and rape them for his own fun. You also keep boasting about you being the strongest and best at everything but how can you be the best if you're full of yourself and too laid back, not caring about anything unless you're hit with a pan on the head. You're a pain in the ass and you fucking traumatized me almost a week ago so bad I'm afraid of physical contact with men. Fuck you and fuck your personality. You're a man-child who runs away from his troubles by getting intoxicated to the point you lose your memory."

He stays silent. "You heard me, asshole?" He answers after a moment. "Nice. Now I know what to do when this shit is over." He speeds off into the distance with you, reaching the edge of the deformed, rotten-looking woods. He circles to where the rotting continues, reaching the part where the normal trees start turning into deformed, molten ones.

You can hear clapping from the sky. "Well done lovebirds of the dark" a young boy's voice speaks to you. He stops the Behemoth there and gets off of it with you. "First of all I hate that guy from the bottom of my heart and for the second we haven't even been together from the start. He's just someone I have to be with so that we can kill you guys and save this world" you say. He doesn't say a word. An innocent looking little boy with wings floats down to your level of sight.

"My name is Samael

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"My name is Samael. Do you really wish to destroy us?" the boy asks. Beelzemon clenches his fist. "You know, we have to. It's our destiny to overcome you and return peace to this world." You scoff at him. "Oh yeah? Speaking of heroic deeds, do you consider yourself a hero when you dream about blowing up towns with people in them?" you ask him. He glares at you. The angel laughs at you. "Some conflicts you have there. I like it. Care to try if you can even hit me?"

Beelzemon takes his guns, smirking. He pulls the trigger of one, having the bullet burst out. Samael dodges but the bullet seems to follow the angel. "Oh?" Samael says curiously. The bullet is about to hit him but it melts at the touch to his skin. It turns purple, falling down and melting into a puddle on the ground. Samael flies down and through the space between you two. You notice the tips of his wing-feathers are tinted with purple and dodge. However Beelzemon didn't and the tip of the other wing cuts into his side, causing a wound. He looks down at the wound, feeling it with his fingers. "You can't be serious... Blood? What the hell..." You cover your mouth, seeing Beelzemon still trying to shoot the angel down. His pace drops.

You watch from the side. He told it would be his fight but something's clearly wrong. He jumps in, ready to pierce the kid's body with his claws. Your feet move before you think, seeing his pained, sweaty face. Your wings form themselves and you burst through the air, preventing him from touching Samael. "Stop right there. I'm not going to sacrifice the Code Keys inside you." You put him down and call Renamon. She appears a few feet behind you. "Yes?" You look at the angel. "Handle the defense. I'll do the rest."

She nods and her body turns to particles that wrap around you like the armor Kuzuhamon gave you, except the armor is shining black with white details and golden rims. Your clothes turn into a black body suit under it with a white belly. You move your hand, summoning the monk staff again. You use it to put a protective spell around Beelzemon so that the angel's weird spell wouldn't get to him. "Venom. It's not acid nor poison. It shares something between those though. It must be venom." You smirk.

"So you figured out my power, the blessing god gave to me" Samael claps. "That's cool. Not many have figured it out this quick before getting killed. Now, how would you attack me if I'm venom?" You take the monk staff, using magic to gather a sample of the venom from a tree. You analyze the toxicity and the strength of acid in it. "What are you up to now, human?" Samael asks.

You counteract the substance with a power you lend from Renamon. Together with your powers it's able to change anything physically to the opposite, but it requires severing the armor around you and can't be used very often. You change the venom into an antidote, striking the angel with it. The rest of the antidote splashes over the forest. It regains its vitality and the angel turns into glimmering water, dripping onto the grass.

You look at Beelzemon as Renamon turns back to her own form. He's laying there, motionless. "Fuck, we need to do something. Help me carry him to Behemoth, I think there's a village nearby. Then you can return to the tower." You get him on the bike, holding him against your back as you drive towards the village near you. It's full of bears and timber houses. You stop and Beelzemon falls off the bike, collapsing to the ground. His skin is starting to turn grey. "Hey, bears, help us out a bit. He's been poisoned and he needs rest so I can try and heal him! Are there any free beds here?"

The bears point to a house and you thank them, picking up the Demon Lord, enhancing your strength with the energy. He's so huge he's difficult to carry. And there, you hit his head to the door harsh. You lay him to the bed at the end of the room. His body is turning colder by the second. A bear brings you a bucket.

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