72: No beauty and a battle of stamina

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You exhale and smoke comes out of your mouth as your body gets covered in thorns, making your body taller and bigger like a golem. A red pendant forms on the chest of the golem-like suit. Jophiel looks at you with disgust. "You are too crude and your power is not beautiful at all. Let me show you what's beautiful!"

At the same time Beelzemon and Raphael are fighting head-on. They're landing punch after punch on each other and he looks like he's getting worn out bit by bit, like his life is slowly being sucked out of him. He changes forms and uses Death Slinger. He hits but Raphael recovers pretty fast. She goes in and places her hand on his chest, sucking out the last powers inside him. He flies up and uses Chaos flare.

You see Jophiel's hair start to flow in the air as she puts her hand on the ground. Vines come from the foot of your thorn-suit and tangle you so bad you can't move. You snap your fingers and the thorns burn the vines away. She grunts and gets hit by your thorn suit's fist. You start feeling the strain already and switch to defending. She hits with a glimmering beam and you let it hit the suit's wrist, having it come apart a little. You answer with putting your hands forth before you and forming a circle with your hands.

Beelzemon hits but as the shot gets to her, he drops to the ground, changing back to his original form. He then manages just barely with holding her back with his physical strength. However, he still takes his Berenjena and shoots her to the heart, but it doesn't kill her. She heals right away. He drops on his back to lay on the ground, having lost all his strength.

The purple teardrop shaped pendant embedded in the chest of the thorn suit gathers energy that shoots as a purple beam with black sparks around it at Jophiel. She takes some damage and struggles to get up. Now you've used up your energy and you shouldn't use any more. You undo the thorn suit and the pendant, using your own energy to support yourself lightly. You're on the verge of collapsing but hold yourself up. Then she takes that energy away from you since it's not the demon energy. You end up collapsing and laying on your back, just like Beelzemon. She walks to you, standing right next to you. "I might take away your outer beauty as well, leaving you look like a corpse if you end up living."

Raphael strangles Beelzemon and he looks at your situation, weakly reaching out to you and trying to yell your name. He's worried. You reach back towards him but then get an idea. You put your hand in your pants and see Jophiel get disgusted. "You'd violate yourself in front of me? How disgusting!" You pull out your bloody tampon and throw it into her face. She withers immediately, screeching as white energy flows out of her body, revealing to actually be an old grandma. The surroundings turn back, being full of life. Raphael hesitates for a moment and Beelzemon gets free, kicking her down. You get up, feeling full of energy again.

Raphael looks shocked and you charge right at her. She drains some of your life force to herself but you use your own energy that crackles red and purple to cover your hands like claws, noticing she's just using a device on her hand to manipulate recovering abilities even for her own good. You destroy the device and land huge, deep scratches on her, making her to go back into an old lady too. The duo is mostly powerless now.

You walk over to Beelzemon and help him sit up, kissing him as you let your energy revitalize his body. After a moment he's back at full strength and his eyes glimmer as he gets up, lifting you up and taking a spin with you in his arms before closing you in his embrace. "I was getting worried with you using that much power, but you're okay.. I'm so proud of you!" You giggle and smile up at him. "Should we contact Michael so that he'd pick them up?" He nods and lets go of you.

He walks to the duo and rips off their wings. You heal them afterwards. "You're no archangels from now on, but Michael could come up with an idea on how to handle you two. Especially you, Raphael. You're very skilled in combat so he could use you in his army. As for Jophiel, you're probably going to be a maid if you don't prove yourself useful otherwise" he says. You hold their hands and revitalize them with your energy back to their former glory. "There, you have your youth back."

Beelzemon's already negotiating with Michael. Soon two soldiers come and pick the two up and you wave at them as they fly away. "Whatever that foxy chick did to you... I'm grateful." You smile. "I told you she knew spiritual power. And she evolved, thanks to Ogremon attacking us. He's still a fucking creep though.." He laughs. "What else has he been from the start!" You glare at him.

"Oh, right.. I met him in my last life when I was destroying a village and stuff. He joined and we had fun. We kinda got to know each other on our raids and stuff and ended up being drinking buddies. He's kinda fun to have around." You cross your arms. "So you enjoy time with him, huh? I could enjoy some time with Youkomon as well." He sighs. "No I didn't mean it like that... You're still my number one but I do have friends from the past even if they're not the greatest guys you could meet." You look at him and smile before starting to chuckle. "Okay, okay, I believe you. Let's get back, we've been here for at least half an hour already." He puts his hand on your head and ruffles your hair.

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