58: Fist fight

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The vortex dissipates and you notice Gabriel holding onto both of your fists with her hands, being pushed back only by ten inches. You try kicking her from the side as Beelzemon readies his other arm for another punch, only to have your arm twisted by her so that you have to put your other leg down. Her hold is so firm you struggle pulling your fist back out of her grip, finally succeeding as you use your legs to pull. You're glad the ground is rough enough to help you move. Beelzemon backs away too, following your retreat. You look at your hands before concentrating more energy on your arms, charging at her again. She dodges and uses her wrist to guide Beelzemon's punch at you, having it land on your shoulder. "Fuck, sorry-" he says right before he gets a punch on his cheek and gets sent flying.

You see him laying on the ground and starting to get up as you guide the rest of what's left of your energy capacity on your arms, having your muscles crackle with them. You go in for a hit again, this time trying for an upper hook, now really landing a hit. She falls on her butt and gets up. "I might have underestimated-" she starts as Beelzemon, now in his Blast mode, flies straight at her, using his blaster like a baseball bat and hitting her so that she flies upwards a bit. You try peering up but she's so high she looks like fly poop in the sky. 

Now you remember Lilithmon had that crazy arm attack, figuring out how to use it on yourself. Then you exhale, relax and feel the power inside you. The flesh-arm-thing covers your arms from the shoulders like sleeves and you feel much stronger. Now you see the girl charge down at you with a flaming fist, cross your arms by the wrists to cover yourself and right at the moment she would hit, Beelzemon dodges it for you with the sturdy sole of his shoe. She's stopped and she looks surprised but you've got no time to wonder, you roar out and go straight in for a punch with your fleshy right arm. You hit her, having her burrow into the ground for the impact.

She gets up and you notice the spot on her side you hit on is now missing a piece of fabric. "So it melts?" you look at her and at the same time Beelzemon strikes his fist on her other side, sending her flying again. Gabriel uses her wings to stop herself and lands gracefully on the ground. She attacks Beelzemon now with him guarding himself with the blaster again. She lands hits after hits on it, having it break apart after a while again. "Oh, this trick again..." you mutter to yourself. As she's having the face of a small victory written all over her face, thinking he needed the blaster, you form your wings and jump in the air, landing a hit from the air down at the girl. She's down again, getting up quite fast with determination.

You look at Beelzemon who exchanges gazes with you. "Will you give up already? You're in a pretty bad shape" he asks her. She punches him in the balls and then lands a hit on his back, making him go down. "I'm not even warmed up yet!" she says. You hit her on the stomach, making her get thrown back a little. She responds with a fist, straight on your upper chest. You cough and hit her again, now on the face. She endures it and hits you back, on the shoulder she guided Beelzemon's hit earlier. You flinch, taking a step back.

She grabs your fleshy wrist, twisting it to make you unable to move, but you don't feel a thing. Instead of pulling your wrist away, you use it to pull Gabriel closer to you, hitting her nose, then chin and her lower belly before she headbutts you so that you fall back. Beelzemon catches you quick before you're on the ground and goes in for another hit. He smashes his fist at her a few times before she's pretty much down on the ground. You decide to undo your enhancements while you hold her still with him holding her down with his foot on her back.

"What do you say, I rip off your wings and you join us?" he asks. His fingers fumble her tiny wings as she lays down, not resisting. "I'll die if you do so. God granted me a new life if I joined him and the spell will be undone with the wings gone..." she speaks. You notice Beelzemon stutter a little, giving her another opening by accident. She hits him in the guts, smirking as he coughs up some blood. "Fell for it. Pathetic demon lord, have you grown soft?" she asks teasingly. You form your energy into a sword and cut her head off. "Nobody talks like that to my man."

He looks at the severed, bloody head, and then at you. "Are you serious? I could've just pulled out her wings" he says. You shrug. "I guess psychos can't be fixed. Besides she played dirty so I guess she deserved her end even if she was young." He turns back to his normal form. "So you're saying I should be killed too?" You think about what he just said and realize what he meant. "N-no I... She was an enemy and tried to kill us with her fists and told us to die and she was..." you stop mid sentence.

"Huh? Y'know I can read you like an open book. Do you want me to stomp you? Are you jealous?" he teases. Your face goes all red for thinking about it before being scared by the thought of it being somehow hot. He studies your expression before pulling you closer by your hands gently. After that his hand cups your cheek and the other arm wraps around your waist before he pecks your lips. "You're a weirdo, but you're my weirdo."

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