86: Absorbed Strength

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You activate Greed and decide to take her powers to yourself. You can see the light coursing through your veins as you're sucking it out of her. She looks like she's drying up so you stop where she just looks badly dehydrated. You drop her on the ground. "Oops." The woman shakes in fear. "My Lord, what did she do to me? Is she a demon incarnate or is this what You wished for?"

As she's pleading for this god of hers, you bend her over and take a hold of a wing. Blue energy envelops your arm as you do so, allowing you to rip it off. She's bleeding from the spot of the wing and you just watch, feeling a little sorry for her. "One more" you say, ripping off the other wing. The torn wings dissolve into particles and fly up in the air before disappearing. The glimmer, however, feels everlasting.

She cries in pain, asking why her god abandoned her. You place your hand on her back. "Barachiel... I will take that pain away for you." You heal the angel's back with Purity and start feeling normal again. It's probably because of sucking extra power into yourself. She stops crying and now just sniffles. "What did you do to me...?" she asks. You smile and offer her your hand. "You're free now. Live as you please. You can use your own wings now and go wherever you want to." She looks at your hand and looks back at you. "Where do I go, when my God has forsaken me... He would be angry with me for letting myself being taken over by the demons..."

You just grab her hand, pulling her up to stand. "I know a place you can go. Do you remember Michael?" You find it hard to smile at her when you kind of feel ticked off by her drama-queen attitude. She looks a little brighter now. "That Michael with a whole army dedicated to himself? The kindest ruler of all kingdoms?" You nod. "Search for him in the sky. He'll welcome you in his arms." "But I can't leave Raguel fighting here! I'm his partner!" Your face grows grim now. "Get your ass up there, we're either sending him after you or killing him depending on his intent." She nods hastily, activates her wings and flies off to the sky.

Now you turn your face to Beelzemon and Raguel. They're having a cool looking, high speed fist fight. "TAKE HIS POWER, HONEY!" you yell at him to encourage him. "IT'S TAKING MY ALL TO JUST KEEP HIM FROM LANDING HITS!" You sigh and place your hands on the ground, letting the thorns move inside it. They roam through it and reach Raguel, piercing the ground to take a hold of the angel. He's immobilized and you walk to the spot. "Can't you handle anything by yourself?" "Oh shut up. So what was that thing about taking his power? How do I even do that?"

Raguel's struggling and the only sounds he can let out are muffled growls and angry cries. "I mean... I could do that, why couldn't you?" you say. "I'm asking you how, not if you could do it" he answers. "I mean, I touched her and used Greed then ripped off her wings and healed her. She took off the second I gave her a push." He looks at Raguel, then at you, then back at Raguel, his hands and sighs as he clenches them into a fist. "I mean, Gluttony doesn't work that way. I have to eat something to get what I want from it." "Why don't you do that then? Would've liked to set him free afterwards. Barachiel seems attached to him so I don't want to break up couples I guess.."

"Expose the neck" he says. "Huh?" you ask. "Just do it. I suppose there's only one way around this without killing him. I don't wanna do that but you asked for it." You let the thorns expose Raguel's neck, holding him still. "I'd suggest you to turn away. It's gonna be pretty much disgusting." You sigh and turn away from the guys, only to hear muffled screaming behind you. After a moment you hear panting. "I'm... Done..." he says. You turn back around and see him holding his hand over his lower face, hiding it. "Could you do the wings? I feel like I'm not in the mood for that anymore."

You use the thorns to rip off the wings and apply some Purity on them to heal him before letting Raguel free. He looks older and out of shape now. "You probably remember Michael. Go to his castle in the sky and ask him what you can do for him to let you stay there."  Raguel nods shakily, like he's afraid. "Get on with it. I have something else to deal with." He flies off and you walk to Beelzemon, placing your hand on the side of his back since you can't reach his shoulder.

"Why are you hiding your face? Did something happen to it?" you ask. "You got something I can wipe my face with?" You check your pockets and find a tissue. "Uh, yeah. Can I... Clean it up for you?" He turns back to face you and kneels down so you could reach. "Don't get shocked. It was your idea" he says and lowers his hand from his face. You twitch a little and nearly drop the tissue. The surroundings of his mouth is covered in blood.

"...I knew that's how you'd react. Gimme that" he says, sounding plaintive. You shake your head and gather yourself. "No, Let me." You wet the tissue with your saliva and start cleaning his face. "You should've told me. Otherwise I would've done it myself and shared the power with you." He looks away, looking like he wants to escape the topic. "You don't really look like you were okay with it. Did you even get his strength or was it for naught?" "...I did get his strength and speed but I had to take his life power. That's why he looked a little old." You finish cleaning his face and smile at him. "There."

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