63: His warmth

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"What's a tampon?" he asks. You start wondering. "How do I explain it..." you start. He presses his forehead against yours. "I can make one or a hundred if you want me to, just let your mind tell what their structure is like." You close your eyes and think. You suppose they're absorbent cotton packed tight so it wouldn't fall apart. You think it has some sort of a strong but thin cotton webbing around it to hold it together. And on the end it has a string to help you pull it out when it's used.

He pulls his forehead back and smiles, forming a talisman before it turns into a tampon, appearing just about how you thought it to be. "So this is a tampon? Huh, you humans are weird." You blush and look away. "J-just give it to me so I can plug myself up..." He turns you around and pushes you over to hold onto the edge of the tub. "I'll do it for you. It must be hard to get deep enough with your own fingers, huh?" "Normally they come with applicators..." you mutter. He stretches your entrance open and pushes the tampon in with his fingers. You bite your lower lip, trying not to let out any weird sounds.

He pulls his fingers back out and licks them again. You get back up and watch him, being embarrassed. "No way I'm kissing you after that.." He smirks. "I don't get what's the big deal with this. It's not much different from your drool or your tears. You secrete all three of these from your body, even if they're from different places. It's okay as long as it's you and you're not dying." You pull on a black pair of panties. "You're gross." He chuckles. "Who picked me in the end?" he asks. You go upstairs and see the bed sheets changed. You feel relieved as you crawl under the warm blanket.

He follows you after a bit, wearing boxers. He sits on the edge of the bed, lights a cigarette and smokes it before laying next to you and wrapping you in his embrace. His warm body against your back feels the best. "Good night pumpkin pie.." he says. You smile and move his hand to kiss the palm. "Good night." You drift off to sleep, guided by his warmth.

You wake up. It's morning. You start getting up but he's clinging onto you, making it hard to get up. "Mnnhh..." he groans in his sleep. You crawl out of his arms and go to the toilet to handle your stuff and return. He watches you walk back towards the bed. "Had a wee?" he asks. You nod and crawl back under the blanket, making your way back to skin-to-skin touch with him. His warm, strong hand pets your back. "Feeling okay?" You smile and let out a chuckle. "It's not as if I was going to die you know."

A Bakemon floats in. "M-my lord, my lady!! I heard there was a fortune teller at the lake!" He covers his ear and glares at the Bakemon. "Stop yelling we can hear ya just fine. What's this thing 'bout a fortune teller?" The Bakemon backs off a little. "We should probably bring you some breakfast to inform you more on the side" it speaks sheepishly. He glares at it until it leaves. "Are you cold?" he asks. You wrap your arms tighter around him and smile. "You're warm enough."

The Bakemon bring in some filling breakfast food to last you both throughout the day. After that they leave you and you start dressing up. You put on the clothes you were wearing yesterday. After that you sit into the table and he sits the opposite of you before grabbing a lot of meat and pushing them to your side of the table. "There. I suppose you should eat more meat." You look away. "I'm not a kid you know.." you huff at him. He smirks. "Well what are you then? If you're not old enough to have kids you must be one yourself." You grab a huge piece of meat and start eating it aggressively.

The Bakemon returns and floats there next to the end of the table. "S-so why I was so excited to tell you is that the fortune teller foresees love and other things related to life... I thought you'd like to see it through..." He watches your aggressive eating before looking at the Bakemon. "How did you hear about it?" The Bakemon seems like it's smiling. "The rumors have spread all over the digital world. He's been here only for a week but he's already famous!" You stop guzzling the meat and look at the Bakemon.

"No, you concentrate on eating. I need you to be healthy" he says to you and you growl at him before finishing the meat and speaking with your mouth full. "Is this good huh? I'm so full I'll have to roll from now on!" He laughs. "You're funny." He gets up and gets a napkin, wiping your mouth with it. "There. Now you're done." You swat his hand away. "Stop pampering me like a kid, I'm fine even if I'm going through my cycle, I've been like this for four years already so I know how to deal with it!!" He's shocked and takes a step back from you.

"Really...." you say and get up, hugging him so that you hide your face into his chest. "...Sorry... Hormones." He pets your head. "I'll put up with it. It's you after all.." He looks at the Bakemon. "Where was this fortune teller?" he asks. "B-by the lake, my lord" it stutters. He nods. "Fine, we're off." But as he tries to move you don't budge. "I want to keep hugging you like this... You're warm..." He smiles. "I probably should give you my jacket. I have spares."

He removes his jacket and puts it on you. It smells just like him - gasoline and cigarettes. He pulls the zipper up and it's a perfect fit, reaching past your navel, except for the sleeves which are way too long for you. They're comfy though. You hug the jacket, feeling like you were enveloped in his warmth.

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