32: Demon Lord of Pride

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"I'd like to dry myself, are there any towels in here?" you ask the maid. "Oh no, I can't allow you do that yourself, my lady. Allow me" she answers, gently drying you all over with a towel. "Now, here you have some underwear. Would you like me to help wearing them?" You blush but sigh to calm yourself and smile at her. "Thank you" you say. She pulls the panties on you before assembling a strapless, lace-outed bra around you. "My, it fits you perfectly, my lady!" You look at yourself in the mirror, blushing. "So... Is there anything to wear over this?" you ask. She smiles. "Why, of course. You will be wearing a dress and a lovely necklace, my lady." She brings you a black dress and a jewel necklace, assisting you to put them on. Then she does your hair.

"Now you are ready to see my lord

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"Now you are ready to see my lord. Is there anything worrying you, my lady?" she asks. You look away. "I don't think it's suitable to wear a dress like this with all the wounds and bruises on my upper body..." you say. She smiles. "Your lovely hair will cover the marks and if you wish to, my lord would be able to do something about them." Your gaze shifts down before the woman lifts your head. "Hold your head up high and don't let the worries burden you, my lady. That's what I am for. I am here to listen to your every worry when my lord can't, I will serve and entertain you with my best ability if necessary, my lady" she says in a motherly tone.

"What shall I call you?" you ask her. "Maid is sufficient, my lady" she answers. You shake your head. "No, your name. Not your position." She covers her mouth for a bit before answering. "My name is Kuzuhamon, my lady. But it would be disrespectful from me to ask you use that name." You smile and hold her hand. "Let's become the bestest of friends, Kuzuhamon!" She is taken aback, being frightened. "But my lord will not like me stepping out of place, my lady." You smile. "He doesn't have to know" you say to her, smiling.

"My lady, it's about time. Shall I escort you to my lord's quarters?" she asks. You smile. "If you went through the trouble to ready me to meet your lord, I'll gladly meet him. If he has such a considerate servant like you, he must be very sophisticated and well-mannered opposed to Gluttony." She smiles, not answering your thoughts. "Shall we go?" she asks. You nod. "Yeah!"

Kuzuhamon escorts you through the staircase to the highest floor, opening the door for you. "My lord, meet the human with Lust's Code Key embedded in her" Kuzuhamon speaks. A male at the end of a table covered with a red silk tablecloth speaks. "Thank you for bringing her here, maid. Please, do tell her to come in." His voice was huskier and smoother than Beelzemon's. Kuzuhamon holds the door open and bows at you. You walk inside the room, stopping just a few steps from the door. The lighting is done by a chandelier hanging by the ceiling. "Please, bearer of the holy device. Come closer" the man speaks. You walk a little bit closer to the man, examining the surroundings.

The man gets up, standing nearly as tall as Beelzemon. "What might be this lovely lady's name?" he asks. His hair is honey blonde, nearly reaching his shoulders from the front and shorter on the back. On his head there are two small wings - one bat wing on the other side and one angel wing on the opposite side. A slightly bigger black angel wing appears to come out of the base of the back of his neck on the side the white wing was on his head, and again on the opposite side, a bat wing of the same size on the opposite side, followed by five white big angel wings on the angelic side and five big bat wings on the other side, respectively. He has purple stripes on the bat wing side of his face and he's dressed up nicely.

"I'm.. My name is (Y/N). I'm pleased to meet you" you say, dropping a curtsy. "Oh, there's no need for formalities" he says, kissing the back of your hand. "My name is Lucemon. Please, feel yourself at home." You look away from him, being embarrassed. "Thank you for your hospitality, Lucemon." He pulls a chair further from the table, beckoning you towards it. "Please, sit down. I've prepared us dinner." You smile, sitting on the chair. He pushes you closer to the table like a gentleman before sitting on another chair himself. Kuzuhamon sets the table for you quickly, pouring you and him some red wine. Then she brings in some starters. He takes the first bite, and you taste it second. This sudden friendliness is suspicious.

"So, I take that you're a demon lord since you have servants and and a tower like this. Do these buildings represent status or are these here just to play the part of a castle?" you ask. He smiles, wiping his mouth with a napkin before talking. "Yes. I am the demon lord of pride, the highest ranking of the group. About these eight towers... They were built to restrain our movement from a place to another, prisons to put it short. But we grew stronger and the restraints broke. However, we had already started feeling at home in these towers so we chose to stay, using these as our bases. My guardian at the time was Taomon, but when I offered my hand to her, she slide-evolved into Doumon, then took the form of Kuzuhamon later. She continued serving me and obtained her maid form. That's why I call her maid."

You start wondering. "Wait, there are eight towers and seven demon lords. Who was shut in the eighth?"

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