41: A foolish drinking contest

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You snap your fingers and another Bakemon brings you a huge tray with 20 bottles of the liquor. He does the same. You watch the Bakemon put down he tray and bowing. You down the bottle in your hand before taking another. You eat a piece of chocolate from his table and down another. He's downed only one more since you started. You don't get why but then you think he'll be easy to win.

You down a few more bottles seeing him drink the third of your speed. You walk downstairs to the toilet, doing your business and start walking back up. "If he's telling me he'll compete with me, why is he going so slow?" you mutter to yourself. You open the door and walk back to the bed, sitting there and downing two more. Oh no, it's starting to hit you. You're having only your eleventh bottle in hand and you're already feeling drunk. But with determination to show him you can hold your liquor, you keep drinking.

By lunch you've had 28 bottles. They bring the food to the table. Pizza, kebab, fries, meatballs, nuggets. He gets up and sits to the table. "Think 'm fallin' behind. Well, at least 'm not tryin' to drink myself to death" he seems to speak to himself. His Bakemon is at the count of 22. You see him take a slice of pizza, eating it with one bite. He eats a few more slices and moves on to french fries and kebab, shoving a couple portions into his mouth at a time. He washes them down with a bottle.

You up your game, eating some chicken nuggets with some dip. After getting full, you down a bottle, washing down the food. 29. You sit back on the bed, watching him do in the rest of the table. He drinks faster when he eats. Five bottles in the space of less than 20 minutes. You down a couple more, feeling you're getting darn wasted. No, it's only 32 bottles and you're already wasted. You feel a warm spot on the space between your navel and your hips. It glows green a little. This is your limit? I'll slow down you getting drunk with all my power. Go on, drink while you still can and show that brute we're greater than men! Lilithmon's voice echoes inside your head. You keep at it.


You speed up, going twice as fast now. Not too long after, you reach 40. He's at 33 and the gap between yours and his starts growing more. By the time he's had 40, you're at 59. He slows down a bit. "What the fuck is keeping ya at it... Wanna prove you can go that fast just to impress me? Yer destroying yourself.." he mutters to himself so that you don't hear him. Your only thought is that you wanna beat him down to smithereens in his own field. 60.

By the time the sun starts setting you've had 87. You're not so sure how much he's had anymore. He grabs your hand and pulls you to the top of the tower. You don't really mind since you're drunk as hell by now. It feels nice, the feeling of his strong, big hand in yours. You don't want to admit it though. The Bakemon bring the liquor with you. On the top there are two chairs facing the sunset. He sits you down on the other. "Ain't nothin' more calmin' than a nice sunset y'know?" he slurs slightly. You glare at him and down a bottle. "I've nothin' to do w'ya kapish? (I want nothing to do with you, got it?)" you slur so bad he could barely make out the words. What you meant is pretty far from what you managed to say.

He smirks. "What if you went to sleep. Guess yer a little bit tipsy" he says teasingly. "Who'd fuck say drunk? Sssober! (Who said I'm drunk? I'm still sober!)" He laughs. You down a couple more bottles. "90!" the Bakemon that counts your bottles says. You show it your two fingers and it nods, bringing twenty more to you. He downs a bottle. "60!" his Bakemon says. "The fuck..." you slur and down bottle after bottle. "Y'know, I don't mind the last warm rays of the sun in the evening. It's pretty" he says in a calm manner. You're not sure if it's just drunk talk or something else.

After a moment your Bakemon announces: "100!" You put the bottle down and pant. "Oh, look, the little bitch lived up to her word. Congrats." You down a few more because now you just want to pass out and forget all this. You get up and start trying to walk back to the bed since you're tired, but as you try walking past him from the front side, you feel like everything's spinning. The floor, the sky and literally everything. You feel him catch you but he seems to be sitting still. You can't help closing your eyes.

You try pushing him away weakly. "lemme alone... (Leave me alone)" you slur. He pets your head as you lay in his arms on your side. He's warm and comfortable. "Can't help it huh? 103 bottles... I could destroy my code with that much. What the hell are you made of, girl?" You mutter something that's not intelligible. He lets the last rays of the sun warm you before getting up and carrying you back down to the bed.

You grab his jacket when he puts you down. "No...." you groan, half asleep. He tries removing his jacket from you but you grab onto it tighter. He sighs and smiles softly. "Fine. I'll sleep with ya." He moves you further to the other side of the bed and lays next to you. You move in closer to bury your face into his chest even if you are sort of unaware about anything at the moment. He plants a kiss on your forehead and smiles petting your head. "Welcome back, honey." With those words you lose the last grips of your consciousness.

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