59: Guilt

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He walks to the Behemoth and looks at you standing there, next to Gabriel's severed head. "What?" he asks. You look at the body. "It's not disappearing like the other ones... It's bleeding and spasming..." He walks back to you. "I've... never seen anything like that..." he mutters. "It's just like we had killed a human. Her wings are gone too..." He looks at you. "You killed her, I was just going to take her wings and see what happens." Tears start prickling from the corners of your eyes. "At least.... Let's give her a proper funeral...." you say, trying not to sound too sad.

He sighs and hugs you. You lean against him, starting to cry. He pets your head and soothes you. "Shhh... It's okay, I wouldn't have liked to see that either. Let's clean it up and bury her body." You can't help sobbing and after calming down, you look up at him with a sad look on your face. "I'm sorry for getting your vest messed up..." you say, still almost crying. He pets your head and smiles at you in a reassuring manner. "It's okay."

You look at the body on the side again. "What if what we're doing is wrong?" you ask him. He sighs. "I don't know. But I guess we should acquaint ourselves with the rest of them and make a truce. Even if I sometimes feel the urge to kill everything from time to time." You look up at him and chuckle, wiping your eyes. "That's so not you." He smiles and wipes a tear off your cheek with his thumb. "You missed one" he says before he kisses your forehead. "I'll do just anything to make you feel happy."

You grab Gabriel's head and join the neck back together before you heal the wound shut. You close her eyes and mouth, feeling a little disgusted by touching a dead body, but you're doing it just to honor her dead body before using your energy to lift her up. "I think we should bury her to the graveyard behind the Church. If I remember correctly there should be coffins too.. And dress her nice. I can handle that, but can you take us there?" you ask. He nods. "Of course. If you want, I'll do it."

He gets on the Behemoth and you keep the energy surrounding her body to carry her with you as you speed off towards the Church. You're quiet the whole ride. As you get there, you're about to carry the body in but he grabs it. "Let me help a little so you don't strain yourself too much." You release the energy and let him carry her into the church. The Bakemon there welcome you and guide you to the room with caskets. You put your hand over her, turning the overalls she's wearing into a white dress, then Beelzemon puts her into the casket.

You watch her body for a moment and you put the cover on the coffin, having Beelzemon lift it up. "Let's get this over to the graveyard." You walk behind him and so do a flock of Bakemon in a nice paired line after you. Beelzemon puts the coffin down and places his hand on an empty spot on the graveyard. It opens up like a hole and then he lifts the coffin back up, telling the Bakemon to bring it calmly to the bottom. After that the ground closes and you get on your knees to pray for her.

After a moment a hazy egg comes out of the ground. "Her... soul???" you think out loud. He looks at you. "You really are something." You look at him. "But it's see-through, how do I make it complete?" He shrugs. You take the floating egg, hold it against your chest and smile. "I want you to become someone to look up to in this world, wanting to help others and protect what you think is right. I wish to see you become like that, just for the sake of yourself." The Digivice on your hand reacts and emits green energy into the hazy egg, turning it whole. You feel tired now but as you watch the egg in your hands, you feel relieved. "Go and be born. I hope we'll meet again."

The egg gets half the mark of purity, half the mark of love, joined together. It shines and six forms show transparently before the mark turns into one of light. Your digivice shows six names: Puttimon, Kyupimon, Tinkermon, Darcmon, Sanzomon and Shakamon, before the forms disappear.

 Your digivice shows six names: Puttimon, Kyupimon, Tinkermon, Darcmon, Sanzomon and Shakamon, before the forms disappear

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The egg flies out to the sky. "You surprise me every time I blink my fucking eyes, honey" he says, smiling. You feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. "Just don't curse at a graveyard" you answer. He starts walking back to the church. "Might as well stock up on liquor for the way home. You're driving back." You get up and look to the sky, smiling. "Gabriel..." you say and a tombstone engraved with her name and a pair of angel wings appear. "Oh, that's convenient."

Michael contacts you so you answer him. "Why did you put Gabriel to a grave?" he asks. "Oh right, you have your men here. I... I killed her. She didn't evaporate like all other angels before her after I cut her head off in a fight and she died. I fixed her body back together but a lost life can't be restored. Her wings disappeared too." He sounds relieved. "But why did you bury her if she was your enemy?" he asks. You sigh and ask: "If you killed a formidable enemy, would you leave them out in the open to decay? At least, whoever it was, I want to respect the dead. She's the only person I really feel like I've killed by now. It was too real..."

He is speechless for a moment. "Good lass, I'm glad you are so virtuous even if you are with a demon. Maybe you will make that lad a good one." You smile. "I think I already have..." On the other end you hear boastful laughter. "I... Got to go now. There's some trouble in my end." Michael tells you bye before cutting the contact.

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