(3) Co-op

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Sam's POV

I woke up to my phone going off. I groaned and saw marzia calling me

Why, Mertziah?

I answered, "Heyya?" my voice sounds slurred from sleepiness.

"Oh, my god. Sam, your voice... Sorry if I woke you up!" she laughed.

"Mhm... So, why did you called?" I asked.

"Oh, could you meet me at the mall at 10:00?" I looked at the clock


"Yeah! See you there, Marzia" I hung up and went to the bathroom to take a bath and get dressed.


I picked up my clothes and wore it. Then I realized it ressembled Link from legend of zelda.

I chuckled and wore my necklace with link's shield as the pendant.

It was nice to have a friend just as I moved here.

Then again... I also made an enemy

I grunted at the thought of that masked man.

I ran downstairs and fed my dog and myself.


So I have time to put on powder on my face and a simple eye liner.

Simple but great!

I ate a lollipop and went to my car and drove to the mall.

I hummed with the music. Then soon I was screaming out the words of the song inside my car.

I stopped once I saw the mall was nearby and parked my car. I was met by Marzia at the entrance.

"Sam!" she hugged me.

" Hi, Marz" We pulled away.

"Come on," She pulled me in the mall.

"Someone is here to meet you" She chirped and I looked so confused now...

When we stopped, I looked around. Who could possibly be waiting for me?

But I saw cry holding a white box. I was more confused as ever!

I held back a scowl to see that guy.

I turned around but Marzia just pushed me to Cry while smiling.

"Oh, wow cry, you are here..!" I nervously glanced everywhere but Cry. Sure, I was mad but I was scared aswell that he might kill me, too.

"Hey, um.. Sam about... last night. I'm really, really sorry." he played with the box

"Eh.." I said, not amused.

"Eh what?" he asked. I felt my cheeks burning.

Wait, he apoligized? For a second there I thought this man is heartless.

"Nothing?" My answer became more of a question.

He shook his head and handed me the box "Here is a gift because I was such a dick last night"

Yeah, you are

He looked down and saw a part of his face red. I glanced at the box then at him.

"Oh, th-thanks" I hesitated first, but took it anyway.

"So, does that mean you forgive me?" he asked now looking up.

"Ofcourse, you lil' mysterious masked man you" I ruffled his hair. "Sometimes we don't get along with new people. That's understandable."

I put the box in my bag. He scratched his head nervously.

Something just move at the corner of my eye. I saw...

"Pewds?" I called out

"Ahm not poods... I'm... a fake plant" He changed his voice in a higher pitch one and shook the plant infront of him.

I facepalmed "Pewds, seriously?" I laughed so did Marzia and Cry

"This reminded me of prop hunt" I uttered.

Pewds and Cry stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You play prop hunt!?" Cry asked.

"Yeah?" I crossed my arms.

"Lets play prophunt later!" Pewds cheered a bit too loud, because a few people were staring at us now.

"I'm alone again " Marzia pouted

"Well, after 5 rounds, we could talk about stuff, 'kay gurl?" I slurred the 'girl'

"Yay! but first, shopping~!" Marzia chirped and pulled us three into different boutiques.

Cry bought a hoodie and a game. Pewds bought games. I bought a beanie and shades. Marzia bought... well, alot of clothes.

Once we were done, we went to our car. Cry and Pewds in Pewds' car. Marzia and I in my car.

I listened to 'The legend of zelda rap by smosh' while driving to Marzia's house.

"Wow, you like the legend of zelda..." she laughed.

I looked down at my outfit and smiled. White leggings, brown boots, skirt and hoodie. I had a green beanie aswell. " Yeah, it's my all time childhood favorite until now" I chuckled.


"Hey, hey_ guys, I'm with Cryaotic and Pewdiepie. They still don't know I'm a youtuber... that's why I'm whisphering in their bathroom. We are gonna play prop hunt! lets get going!" I whisphered to my audio.

I went outside the bathroom and skipped to the bedroom of the majestic Pewdiepie. There in that room was 3 beanie bags.

I sat on the red one and turned on the laptop and started recording once the game begun.

"Sam, there are other players that are gonna play. Its Ken , Minx and Krism" he said starting the game.

" 'Kay then, lets see who I'm partnered up with"


"FUUUUUUUUUUCK" I screamed while running away from Ken.

"DON'T COME NEAR ME!!!" I shouted while the gang laughed at me

"Come here, plant!" Ken said.

"NUOOOOOOOOUUU" I shouted when my prop died. The gang is still laughing their asses off but now louder.

"Well 5 rounds are over, I gotta go and have a girltalk with Marzia" I exit the game and went to marzia. They said goodbye then returned to the game.

I saw Marzia petting maya while she filmed. So I sneak behind her and made a creepy smile to the camera and I slid down behind the sofa. I cant help but to snicker.

Marzia stopped talking and look around.

Maya and Edgar then jumped on me making me shout "SHI-FU" I shouted while the pugs lick me.

Marzia's head popped at the end couch and looked at me then started laughing.

"shi-fu? really?" she asked

" its a short cut for 'shit' and 'fuck' " i said petting the pugs.

But she shook her head while smirking and went back in recording.

"First two days in Florida and its already fun" I whisphered.


hm...a very few views? well thats okayyyy xD its still just a start.



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