(12) Ma----

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Pewds POV ( didnt expect that eh? c:)

I was just eating a toast of bread talking with marzia. Then my phone went off. Sam was calling.

"hallo?" I said

"Pewds!Help me-- Help me bring cry to the hospital! He is too fat, I cant carry him" Sam sounds so worried and concerned but still made fun about how heavy cry is. No, he is not fat.

"Okay, okay I will be there!" I said running to get my coat. Marzia looked so confused and i hung up

"Where are you going?" she asked with her innocent cute voice. God, that voice makes me melt.

"Helping Sam bring Cry to the hospital." I said, getting my car keys. Her eyes opened so wide.

"Im coming!" She grabbed her purse on the sofa and grabbed her own coat.

We ran into my car and drove to Sam's place.

"What happened?" Her voice filled with concern

"I... dont know but it wouldn't be that bad..." I sighed and I put more speed on my car.


We arrived at the apartment building... thing and went to the lift and pressed floor no. 3.

As I was gonna knock at Sam's apartment door. I heard a loud thud coming from cry's door. Ofcourse...

Marzia ran to the door and opened it before I moved.

Cry's body popped out of the room and an exhausted Sam.

"he's*pant*so*deep breath*heavy" she said bending over and clutching her arm and her other hand on her knees.

I scooped cry off the floor and saw Sam's shocked face.

"youre fucking strong!-- OHHH PEWDIECRY MOMENT!" she pointed at me then cry repeatedly and Marzia laughed. I rolled my eyes while smirking.

"Oh, shut up mario" I said. She stopped pointing at me. Marzia stopped laughing and looked at sam, then laughed again.

"Not you too!" she crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks.

I'm guessing Cry said this earlier to her. Thinking of it makes me laugh.

"guys um..." Marzia pointed Cry.

I forgot Cry being unconsious!

"oh yeah! LETS GO PEWDS! HURRY!!!" Sam said, pushing me to the lift.


We arrived at the hospital and nurses and a doctor rushed him in to check him up.

While waiting in the waiting room, Marzia was reading a magazine. I was playing games but I stopped when I realized Sam hadn't moved an inch when we got here. She was just staring into nothingness. I flinched a bit when i saw her pull out something from her bag.

A picture? She sighed sadly, her eyes teared up but stopped 'em from falling my wiping them away. Then she put the picture back inside the bag.

She leaned back and sighed deeply, causing Marzia to look at her.

"Whats wrong?" Marzia asked.

"i- uh it's nothing..." Sam looked down.

Then the doctor came in and called us 3.

"...'Cry' has no problems, though. We couldn't figure out why or how he passed out, but he is awake in room 32 "(completely random number i thought xD) We all nodded our heads and Marzia thanked the doctor.

What happened to him anyway?

Sam's POV

I walked in Cry's room and saw him staring at the ceiling.

"CACKOOO" I made a bird sound peeking my head out the door.

He stilll hadnt moved an inch.

Me, Marzia and Pewds walked to him. Even though we cant see his eyes that well, we know cry was awake.

"Ma----...." he blurted out... we could only make out the Ma but the rest was mumble-ish and we couldn't make out the word.

"Cry?" I shook him lightly.

His head snapped at my direction and smiled. I know he wears a mask. But for so long of knowing him, I could make out the expressions of his face by just his mask moving.

"Oh, Hey Samantha " he said with a deep sexy voice.waitwhat. I know his voice is kinda deep and it sounds soothing... but 'sexy' is way too far to describe that. I'm a creep.

I blushed and I am really not used to him saying my  full first name. He always call me Sam.

"yeah...hey Cry..." I smiled and heard marzia squealed in the background.

Ma----? what is he talkin' about?


hey guys im not gonna update for a few days because i think 13 parts of the story / 12 chapters in 3 days is too much XD and im a lil bit busy this next few days so....

see you in a few days


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