(37) Seperated

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Btw, the angel stuff was inspired by this song called "angel with a shotgun" it's an awesome song c:

The song is stuck in my head now.. o___o


Sam's POV

Running, running till your feet goes on fire. We are being chased by those creatures *sigh* yeah its only me and Marzia who is left... i lost Cassey, Matilda and Pewds.

Haha Matilda, so much of your 'duty' on making us safe ;___;

Me and Marzia went left then left and right. We lost them.

I panted and a ball appeared from nowhere, glowing. I picked it up and it spoke.

"Sam! Im so happy i could give you this ball. Im just here to say that Cry's parents' murderer is.. *blurred sound* ... its why i have to do all of these! For you guys to know the secrets you havent unlocked *blurred sound*. Mad locked me in this dungeon and he is tracking you, he is going to kill you, sam. Be safe *static noise*. And Sam.. the secret for you i- *screaming*" it turned to static.I put the ball down and stared at it.

That voice came from Kara.

"So does this mean... Kara is innocent?" Marzia asked

"I'm not sure yet, and the only way to know is to go to that dungeon and see if Kara is there. If she isnt, well, Its my job to destroy what's coming."

Cry's POV (hehehe C:)

I have been walking and killing demons. I sighed when i saw a demon, guarding an entrance.

"Let me in" I said

"Why?" The demon asked.

"I dont know" I shrugged.

"If you dont have any reasons then go awa- wait you're that prisoner!"

"Hell yeah, I am!" I took out my axe and chopped it in half, making a pool of blood underneath me.

I broke the lock and proceed to go in. Then something stopped me. A hand on my mouth and torso. My Mask is broken.. showing my mouth and left eye.

I turned around and quickly took out my knife and sliced the person on the arm. Well, it only bled. Just a minor cut.

"AAAH!!! you idiot!" She screamed and held her arm.

"Me? Idiot? How about you covering a guy's mouth, making him think youre attacking him and then tried to kill you? Isnt that an idiotic thing to do?"

She scoffed " oh, im sorry!" She said in a sarcastic tone pull her hood back but she is wearing some sort of mask.. hiding her eyes and part of nose. But she looks oddly familiar. "Name's Matilda."

"Im Cry"





We just stood there, and i realized we were about the same height. Tall lady.

"Have you seen a princess wandering around?" Matilda asked.

"Nope." I looked around and saw a girl in purple and white dress, blondish brown hair and a silver tiara.  I pointed at the lady " is that the princess you're looking for?"

Matilda gasped and called the lady. "Mistress! Over here!" The lady looked at our direction and smiled and run towards us.

That smile hitted something in my heart, it hurted. It was like... Sam's smile.

"Hello!" She waved at me with still that smile.

"Y-you look like.. S-sam!" I stuttered, looking at the lady.

"Sam!? Oh my! We were just with her awhile ago! She has a long brown hair, right?" Her eyes widened and so did mine.

"Yes! Oh my god, is she alright!?" I panicked.

"Ofcourse she is, she is a very strong woman. If she isnt, then she wouldnt get this far." Matilda stayed calm and cool. Her voice soothed me.

"Y-youre right.." i sighed and entered the gate, then i heard a scream. Pewdiepie's scream.

"PEWDS!!!" I ran in the castle, Matilda and Cassey following behind.

Mad!cry's POV

I was walking around my kingdom...when.. i saw one of Cry's friends.

I grinned and sneaked up to him and covered his mouth.

"Come with me" i laughed and took him in a room and tied him onto a chair.

"Tell me where Cry and Sam is!"

"I dont know! I would never tell you even if i know!"

"I said tell me!"


"Well then, i guess i have to do what i did to Kara.."

His eyes widened and I stabbed his arm. He screamed "AAAAHH!!!"

He fell unconscious from the pain.

I have lots of Goodluck today...

Samantha and Marzia is in the doorstep staring in horror.

Hehe time to finish this little game.

Cry, say bye to your Sam.

Because im gonna end all of these  Madness.

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