(38) start of Secrets being unlocked

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Cry's POV

Im gonna get Mad for what he had done. Not only because he did all of these, because he broke something i treasure... This Mask.

It was a great childhood memory and gift, he broke it! My anger gave me alot more energy to run.

I ran through the halls and rooms. As i was about to open the door infront of me, i heard shouting and screaming, not only just anyone's screams. It was Marzia's and Pewds' but no sound of.. Sam. The screams came from the other side of the hallway.

I ran as fast as i can. Cassey looked tired from running, Matilda stayed calm but still running.

When i was at the middle of the hallway, a demon came and snarled at us.

I groaned and swung my axe to its chest. It bled but it didnt seemed to affect the creature. I kicked it as hard as i can. It flew on the door across the hallway.

"You should learn how to get away from someone's way when they ARE FUCKING PISSED!" I threw the demon on the wall, it broke. I looked at the demon. Its messy directions of its bones, Obviously broken. Blood came out and soaked the carpet, the demon began shaking. I swung the axe above my head and hit it on the head, it stopped.

I breathed heavily and looked at the two girls behind me. Cassey looked like she was about throw up all of her organs from disgust but Matilda just looked at me with an amused face. Even if i cant see her eyes and half of her nose.

Fast footsteps was heard so i turned around and almost hit the person on their heads. It was Pewds.

"P-pewds!! Marzia!" I hugged them both and Marzia spoke up.

"S-sam....Mad....Sword....evil....plan...capture...kill" Marzia panted and i motioned her to sit down first.

"Mad is planning to kill Sam. Sam saved us but she said for us to go and find you, we dont know what's happening now... but she had a sword, dont worry"

"D-did you said... Mad?" Matilda stuttered.


"Oh no"

She ran, so fast.

"Matilda wait!" Cassey called out and followed her. Then the rest of us also ran.

"Matilda, what's up? Calm down!" I shouted.

"He misunderstood everything.."


She stopped and shot me a somewhat a glare. I feel my soul being shot by her red blood eyes.

"You will know later! First we have to get him, before its too late for Sam!" She ran once again.


She casted a spell and it led to a different hallway and she jumped in, we all did.

She took a turn and made a spell that made the door explode. Suprisingly, no one got hit by the woods.

There he was, Mad and Sam.

Sam was tied to a pipe, blood all over her. It looks like Mad was about to hit Sam on her heart. OH FUCK NO!

"MAD STOP THIS!!!" Matilda shouted.

"Wha?" Mad's voice was like he wan unbelievable to hear her. He turned around and gasped and took his mask off, showing tears of joy.

"P-payton!" He dropped his knife and ran towards Matilda.

"I... i wasnt dead, mad. Cry didnt kill me either. I just needed to take a break from the human world!" She hugged Mad.

"I thought you were.. gone forever"

"Its okay best bud..." she chuckled and pulled away.

Her smile dissapeared and looked at Cassey with a serious face." Read this"

Cassey took it and flipped a page... after a few seconds. Her eyes were so wide that it looked impossible for someone to have O.O.

I ran beside Sam but i heard a faint voice from Cassey.

"She.....is my s-sister?"


The story is almost at the end  oh my O.O



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