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Ariana felt her heart drop into her stomach as she read the headline for the TMZ article that was being spread like wildfire.

"Mac Miller..."

Ariana clicked off the article and ignored the text messages flooding her phone asking if she was okay. She clicked on instagram and turned off all her comments because people started spamming her and blaming her for his death. It all added to the amount of guilt she was feeling.

She couldn't even finish reading the article because it made her even more heartbroken. Mac had been a part of her life for a long time. He was there for her when her music career really took off. Yeah, they started out as friends, and dated for a long time, and things ended, but that's life. They had no hard feelings against each other when they seperated. Hell, Mac even spoke about it during and interview and here people were, after his death, blaming her. Blaming her for everything.

Ariana tried not to take it to heart, but it was difficult. She was mourning a loss. A loss of an extraordinary person who she was honored to know and share memories with. A loss of never being able to apologize for any of her wrongdoings. No matter what the angry, upset, or grieving fans, the trolls, whatever you called them, no matter what they said- Ariana knew it was coming from a place of shock and disbelief. Hurt people, hurt people. Blaming was their coping mechanism. People blamed her because they didn't want to face the tragic reality that Malcolm James McCormick was gone and there was nothing anyone could do to bring him back.

Mac's life was ultimately taken from a disease that does not discriminate. It doesn't care who you are, what your race is, if you're rich or poor, famous or not, addiction does not discriminate. His addiction caused him to overdose which ended his life.

Ariana was greeted by her mother and Pete in the apartment when she got home from spending the day with Selena. Joan broke the news and held her daughter as she sobbed and tried to take in the horrible news. Ariana crawled into bed, after being forced to eat something, and layed there with her thoughts. Pete didn't know what to do, or how to handle this situation. Joan decided to stay with her grieving daughter while Pete gave them some time alone.

Maybe it was way too soon to be doing it, but Ariana scrolled through all of the photos and videos with Mac that were saved on her phone. Years back, Ariana lost her Aunt and her Grandpa. Now, she lost Mac. It felt exactly like she had lost family. It's heartbreaking to think that now, starting today, she'll never be able to call, text, or speak with him ever again. Despite all of these emotions and this hurt that she was feeling, Ariana knew that there were bitter people who would say that she didn't/doesn't care. She did care. The pain in her chest and throat and the tears flowing from her eyes are a clear indicator that proves them otherwise.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

The next morning, one day after his passing, Ariana posted a tribute photo of Mac to honor him on her instagram. She didn't caption the photo and turned off the comments. No words needed to be said. The picture gained more than 12 million likes.

 The picture gained more than 12 million likes

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[a/n: may mac continue to rest in peace.♡
i did not post excerpts from any of the articles because i find it disrespectful.
this may be a work of fanfiction, but this man's life, and legacy, are very real.]

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