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"You seemed super stressed girl."

Selena's comment stayed in Ariana's head all morning and afternoon after they met up and ate breakfast together. Ariana had a crazy dream (later in the day). It all started after breakfast she went home and Selena showed up.

"Who the fuck- You got engaged?! Engaged?! Ariana! Why?!"

Ariana stared down at the ring on her finger as Selena had angry tears streaming down her face. She felt her own tears threaten to fall as she listened to Selena cry. This wasn't supposed to happen. Everything got too complicated and quick.

"I- I... don't know. I love him," Ariana realized she was crying as she touched her damp cheeks, "I just- I just didn't want to be alone anymore. You were gone. Everyone was gone. I felt so fucking sad."

Selena stopped her angry ranting as she caught her breath. She wiped her eyes and stared down at the ring on Ariana's finger. She never imagined this would happen. She never imagined Ariana would get engaged so quickly. She never imagined she would be losing Ariana so quickly.

"You've had a lot happen to you, Ari. So have I. I know how you feel. It has been an even worse year than the last. I get it. But this- all this-" Selena waved her arms around Ariana's sixteen million dollar apartment that she shared with her fiance, "This seems a little crazy, don't you think? I know you want someone, that happy ending, but what about us? I thought, we worked out everything. I thought, we were in a good place."

"I know what you're thinking, Selena. It's not gonna be like that. You've never even met Pete. You don't know him like I do," Ariana shook her head as she tried to shake away the heartbreaking thoughts that Selena was implying. She was implying that this whole thing was gonna be a messy crash and burn.

"I've never even met the guy, but I know enough about him. He's got something else coming out every week for the stupid shit he says!" Selena was desperately trying to get Ariana to open her eyes and see, "You gotta admit that nothing about this engagement has been easy, right?"

"Stop." Ariana shook her head, "Fucking stop. You don't get to come to my house and try and throw everything up in my face. I know. I know."

"I care about you, Ariana. You know I do. But, you have too many people around you who are sitting quietly by while you're gonna get your heart broken again. I'm concerned... worried," Selena knew she crossed the line by her facial expression.

Ariana walked over to her front door and held it open. She ushered Selena out into the hall, "I would say it was good to see you, but honestly, it wasn't."

Selena walked into the hall and felt a lump in her throat, "I hope you get what you're looking for and I hope I'm wrong."

Ariana woke up from her nap in tears. The dream felt so genuine and real. She felt her heart beating and a overwhelming sense of anxiety. Ariana couldn't stop thinking of her dream. She had one thought in her mind, 'She wasn't. She wasn't wrong. And that's what hurt her the most.'

Her phone vibrated and she unlocked it to see a new text message and missed call from Pete. He was, yet again, apologizing for a new article that was being reposted all over online. Ariana shook her head and tossed her phone on the couch.

She rubbed her eyes, sat up, and realized she must've fallen asleep while watching tv. A random advertisement was playing when she switched it off. She checked on Piggy Smallz before making some tea and heading out onto the balcony.

The city was busy, full of life, people, culture, and here Ariana was feeling even more depressed than ever before. She needed a change. After finishing her cup of tea in silence, with only her thoughts, she sat on twitter interacting with fans before she gained enough courage to call Pete back.

It went to voicemail, "Hey.. it's me. Sorry, I haven't been responding to any messages. I met up with Selena earlier and fell asleep for a few hours. Look, Pete, I think... I think we just need to talk. Forreal this time. Without all the yelling. We just need to let each other say what we want and not cut each other off. Please, come home. We can figure this out. Love you."

It may have been a dream, but it felt like a sign.

[a/n: name a underrated selena song??]

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