Chapter 22

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Oval Office

Jack sat and looked. It had been 2 days since he had met Zapruder. He looked at the number. It said 5554789632. He picked up the phone and dialled the number. 

"Hello?" he heard a woman at the other end. 

"Hello could I speak with Mr Zapruder?" 

The woman immediately connected them. "Hello?" He heard Mr Zapruder. "Hello Abraham?". Abraham immediately recognised his voice.


Yellow Oval Room

Jack was up in the residence watching TV and then he heard a knock on the door. He opened it to find Pierre. "Mr President, you need to go to the Oval Office now". Jack fixed his tie before heading downstairs. He knew what he would say. What he would do. 

Oval Office

He sat at the Resolute and waited until Mrs Lincoln knocked the door. "Mr Abraham Zapruder, Mr President" Mrs Lincoln ushered in Abraham before Jack stood up to greet him. Abraham stood holding his hat, nervously. "Abraham" Jack said, before Abraham replied in the same manner. "Jack, may I ask why you have asked me here?" Abraham asked. 

"Well, this is a position you will probably turn down as I know you're settled in Texas but I was wondering if..." Jack built the suspense before he blurted it out. "If you'd accept the position as White House photographer". Abraham was shocked. "But Jack, I have no experience! I'd need a degree. I've only filmed you twice". 

Jack told him to calm down. "You don't need a degree. I asked you to bring a copy of the films you've made of us and I quickly watched them and I like them. You deserve the position" Jack insisted. Abraham decided to agree. "I'll do it. I've move the family up and we can start a new life on the East Coast". Zapruder and Kennedy shook hands. 

"I've arranged for my wife and I to buy a house and supply it with furniture for you and your family in Georgetown. I'll need you to send me necessary information and we'll pay for it. It will be ready in about 3 or 4 months" Jack said, looking at the papers. "Okay then. I'll tell my wife and we'll be ready" Abraham blushed with pride. 

"I've arranged for your flight back to Dallas and keep in touch" Jack shook his new friend's hand one more time before saying goodbye. 

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