Chapter One: The Alley

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It was a bright warm day. The sun kissed her hair and bare shoulders.
People turned their heads and stared as she speed walked along the street , kicking up dry leaves .
Y/N ignored everyone and everything.
She had much more important things to think about than feel self conscious.
Y/N reached the end of the street and rounded the corner . Someone pushed past her as she did, so hard she cried out in pain.
Before she could see his face,
He hurried away and disappeared into the crowd. As Y/N steadied herself she realised she was standing in front of a farmer's market. There were stalls lined up selling all kinds of fruit and vegetables with customers haggling with the stall owner , arguing over the prices.
How on earth would she get through all these people ? she wondered .
She had to get away as soon as possible.
Y/N spotted an alley a few yards away .
She ran past people carrying plastic bags full of potatoes and onions, rice and flour. She finally made it to the alley,
It was lined with garbage bags full of rotten produce, the rancid smell made Y/N nauseous.
She picked up a poster on the ground. The wind must have blown this in,
She thought, she read it as she walked .
It was a poster advertising a boy group.
"Stray kids, " she read out loud

She had heard about them and had even listened to some of their songs which she thought were really good.
The poster read about their next comeback.
She was so absorbed in it she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. Or notice the faint smell of cigarette smoke.
Suddenly a hand grabbed her hair.Before Y/N could scream her attacker covered her mouth with his beefy hand.
"Hey there's been a while,"
He laughed.
"Where are you off to in such a hurry?,"
He let go off her hair and his arm encircled her waist and he nuzzled her neck.
"Why don't we take this back to my- AAARHHGG," he screamed as she bit his hand. Y/N cringed as she tasted the coppery saltiness of his blood.
"You little slut," his grip loosend and she elbowed his rib.
She finally pulled free and ran. She ran past stores and tea shops, houses and buildings and she never looked back.
Finally she stopped for breath and noticed she was in front of a police station.This fact however provided no comfort to Y/N. No where was safe.
She was exhausted, hungry and had nowhere to go to.
Y/N realised she was still holding the Stray Kids poster. Tears flowed down her face as she stared at the picture of about nine boys, in their early 20's.. The same age as Sana she thought. This just made her cry harder .
Y/N rolled the paper and stuffed it into the pocket of her shorts which she noticed like her shirt, were torn at the hem.
Y/N realised how weird she must have looked, her hair tangled, clothes tattered and grimy with her boots covered in mud and leaves.
She didn't think about this for long though, she had much more important things to worry about, like a place to sleep that night.
She walked absent mindedly down the street. Tears still streaming down her face.

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