Chapter Four: The Boys from the Poster

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"Whas wrong!?," Chan asked startled .

"Nothing," Y/N bent down and retrieved the poster and put it back in her pocket.

"Here come the guys! I"ll introduce yuh'',
He said as some boys came over and crowded around the bench.

" This is Y/N ," Chan beamed

"Hello Y/N ", they chorused

"Y/N, they are ; Woojin ,Hyunjin Changbin, Felix, Seungmin, Han, Jeongin and Lee know," he pointed to each one
as he counted off their names.

One of them squeezed between her and Chan.

"Hi , I'm Han," He smiled and puffed out his cheeks. For some reason when he did this, he looked surprisingly like a squirrel.

"Hi ," she replied shyly.

"Looks like someone's trying to steal your girlfriend, Chan," somebody hooted, followed by laughter.

"It was nice meeting you all but I need to go, bye", Y/N felt her ears burn and got up,

"Where are you going noona? ", Han asked with disappointment.

"I have to go, to find a place to sleep tonight",
Y/N adjusted her shirt uncomfortably. She didn't know why she said that

"You could stay with us", Han looked hopefully at Chan.

"Umm..I don't know if that's allow-," Chan was interrupted with groans from the others.

"Okay Okay, But we should keep this to ourselves, " He gave in.
There was a round of thunderous applause.

"Thank you so much but I -", Nobody heard her, they were too busy making plans.

"How can we get her past security?",

"Maybe we can dress her up like the crew," Han slid off his black hoodie and pulled it over her head.
It was too big on her and reached her knees.

A guy dressed completely in black , 'Changbin' thought Y/N, took off his cap and put it on her head.

Y/N looked like one of the crew from across the street.Well almost, she wasn't wearing any pants.

The boys didn't notice and admired the effect of the 'disguise' .

"C'mon let's go", Han jumped off the bench and they all started down the street with Y/N following behind, nervously.

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