Chapter Fourteen: The Party

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Seungmin and Y/N reached the fifth floor and as Seungmin was buying her the soda he had promised, from the vending machine,
She noticed the sound she had heard before.

It was louder than it had ever been before.

Thump Thump Baddum Baddum Thump Baddum

"What is that noise, " Y/N asked.

"That's just the guys, they are having a mini party in the room, " Seungmin handed her a can of coke.

"Well aren't you gonna join them?,"

"I am, I just needed a quiet place to write first, " He shrugged.

"You're welcome to join of course, "

"But I really have to -, "
But Seungmin was already pulling her by the hand towards a door at the end of the hall.

Light flooded from under the door and Y/N could hear loud music and laughter from the other side. 

Seungmin knocked on the door.
Immediately the lights went off and the music stopped. Everything went quiet.

" Who is it?, " A voice Y/N recognised as Jeongin, the youngest.

"It's me Seungmin, " The music started up and the lights came on once again.

"Come in, " Jeongin shouted.

Seungmin opened the door and stepped inside, followed by a hesitant Y/N.

It was a big room with four beds, there were futons strewn across the floor, the beds were covered in cellophane packets of sugary snacks.
There were even unopened  six packs of coke near the door.
Music blasted from a speaker in a corner and the guys were stretched either on futons or the floor, with a can of coke in one hand  and their phone in the other.

"I brought a guest, " Seungmin announced and Y/N fidgeted as eight pairs of eyes landed on her.

"Y/N!!, " They greeted her enthusiasticly.

"Come come," Han rushed over to her and sat her down on a futon.

"Welcome to our party!, "

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