Chapter Eighteen:The Identity

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A while later, the guys all trooped into the dressing room and settled on chairs and waited their turns as Hannah took notes and sketched madly on a pad of paper.

"Jian?, " Hannah called. But Kim didn't notice, she was busy flirting with a rather uncomfortable looking Felix.

"Y/N come here, " Hannah turned and looked at Y/N.

"I want you to help me take measurements of everyone, " Hannah
handed Y/N a measuring tape.

For the first time that day, Y/N noticed Hannah spoke with a slight British accent.

"Uhh...Everyone?, " Y/N stuttered.

"Yes! Everyone, " Hannah waved her hands impatiently.

Y/N was nervous. She still didn't know who her mystery kisser was..
And the fact that he was in the same room as her made her nervous.

Hannah started with Hyunjin who stood still as Y/N took his measurements and scribbled them on a piece of paper.
She felt herself blush hard as she did his inseam.

"Done!," she squeaked .. And was she imagining it or did Hyunjin give her a wink before walking away.

Next was Changbin who seemed rather normal and grinned at Y/N as she did his waist.

And then Seungmin who smiled at her shyly like he always did, which made Y/N suddenly feel warm inside.

Han tried to make her laugh by puffing out his cheeks and saying
"I'm a squirrel, " making Minho, who was standing by, snort.

Minho looked straight ahead and his ears turned slightly red as Y/N did his inseam. Minho gave her a small smile and hurried off.

Next was Jeongin who just smiled sunnily as usual and sang quietly in trot as Y/N wrote down his measurements.

BangChan succeeded in making Y/N laugh by whispering ''churro, "
as she did his inseam.
Y/N stifled another laugh as Hannah tsk tsk-ed dissaprovingly.

Woojin didn't act out of the ordinary either and flashed Y/N a heart melting grin before going off.

And last but definitely not least, Felix was his usual friendly self and asked
Y/N how she was doing to which she mumbled 'fine ' in reply.

She was finally finished. But Y/N was also a little disappointed. She had secretly hoped that her secret kisser might, in the spur of the moment,
reveal his identity.

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