Chapter Twenty-three: The Sleepover

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After she had knocked Minho unconscious, Y/N ran out into the hallway and screamed at the top of her lungs for help.

She then quickly ran over to Kim and checked her pulse. She was alive.
Just knocked out cold.

Soon, the plainclothes-men, hotel staff, crew, and even the guys crowded the halls after they heard
Y/N scream.

The plainclothes men handcuffed Minho and drove him off to the police station after he came to.

Kim was rushed off to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a minor concussion.

The guys insisted on keeping Y/N company that night. And after room service cleaned up the blood in the bathroom, futons were brought in and they had a little sleepover.

Y/N was so exhausted both emotionally and physically that she fell fast asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The guys stayed awake and watched her sleep peacefully.

They had felt that it was their fault that Minho had gotten in and attacked Y/N and Kim.
They felt extra protective of Y/N as they all had promised to keep their friend safe.

"She was very brave tonight, "
Changbin said solemnly.

Everyone nodded in agreement...

Jeongin gently stroked Y/N's hand that was poking out through the covers.

" I wonder what she is dreaming about, " Jeongin whispered.

"We'll never know, " said Seungmin knowingly.

" She's probably dreaming about
me, " Jisung murmured.

Everyone snorted.

" your worth dreaming about, " Felix smirked.

"Yeah... I'm sure Y/N has better things to dream about then squirrels, " Woojin added.

"Hey! It was just a suggestion. Don't at me , " Han said indignantly.

"Yeah, Guys your supposed to roast nuts, not squirrels, " Minho laughed at his own joke .

"Why do you always -, " Han was interrupted by Chan.

"Shhhh.. You'll wake her up!, "  Chan frowned.
"Stop bickering and go to sleep, " He said firmly.

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