Chapter Five: The Ring

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Once they were in front of the building, the boys spread around Y/N , hiding her from sight.
The building itself was a five story hotel. The door way was sheltered with a giant red canopy. Fancy.
There were about twenty crew members hurrying along , pushing racks of clothes and boxes of equipment.
Y/N lowered the cap and stuffed her hair inside it as they neared the door.
She was regretting this but it was too late as they nonchalantly strutted into the cool air conditioned lobby.
The receptionist glanced up from her desk, gave a quick smile and typed something on her computer.

They took a left and reached an elevator. But it was too small for everyone.
"Okay.. uhh ..Felix can show Y/N the rooms, the rest of us can go find something to eat, " instructed Chan.

"I'll go with Felix and Y/N, " said Hyunjin,

"Me too, " said Changbin, the one who gave Y/N the cap.

The four of them stepped into the elevator .
"Meet us at the corner in 30 minutes. DONT BE LATE, "
shouted Chan just as the doors closed.

"Does he always have to be so bossy?, " asked Y/N, making everyone laugh.
Y/N turned to Felix, a smile was lighting up his face. Y/N squirmed uncomfortably.
"That's just Chan. He's our leader, "
It the first time she heard Felix talk, his voice was so deep she got goosebumps .
His face didn't match his voice at all.
Finally the doors opened and they walked into a well lit hallway.
"This floor is where the crew is staying, " Felix said .
The lush carpet muted their footsteps as they reached the end of the hall.
There was a staircase landing .The staircase led to the fourth floor where the equipment and costumes were kept.
The hallway was almost completely blocked with unpacked boxes.
Half hidden behind some racks was a young woman.She saw them and zigzagged through the maze of boxes.

"Hi Felix, " She fluttered her eyelashes.
"Felix, have you seen Woojin? I need to retake his measurements, "

"Woojin left with the others, " Felix quickly stepped in front of Y/N .

The woman began lecturing Felix about how unsafe it was for idols to roam the city .

" Put this on, " whispered Hyunjin who was standing behind her. He pulled off a ring from his finger and pushed it into her hand.
"Why?, " she said through clenched teeth.
"Just do it, " he said impatiently.

" Hey! Who is she," the woman asked just as Y/N slipped the ring on her finger.

"Uh oh, " thought Y/N.

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