Chapter Two: The Date

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Y/N stumbled along the street . She shivered despite the balmy weather.
She knew people were staring. But she was so used to it that it didn't bother her.
It was early afternoon , mopeds and cars drove by lazily. She sat down on a nearby bench , and stared blankly at the bright blue sky, lost in thought.

10 MONTHS AGO ....

Y/N woke up with a throbbing headache.
She crawled out of bed and found that she was naked. She grabbed her bathrobe and pulled it around her shoulders.
Y/N walked over to her little vanity table and stared at her reflection.
Her friends always kept telling her she was pretty...But that was when she actually had friends. Now she was a broke ass girl living in a stranger's apartment with nothing in her name.
She examined herself and immediately recognised an ugly bruise on her shoulder. Ugh...Minho , she thought grimly.
Y/N had only agreed to go on a date with Minho was because he was friends with Sana. And Y/N didn't want to disrespect Sana after she had let Y/N live with her.
The least she could do was go on a date with Minho.
Y/N had already gotten a reputation around town even though she had only been with two other guys.
And apparently Minho knew this because he tried to bribe her into having sex.
Y/N refused and was rewarded for sticking to her morals with a painful squeeze on the shoulder and was called a slut in front of the whole restraunt.
She immediately ran out with everyone's eyes of scorn and disgust following her out the door.

Y/N headed into the kitchen for breakfast.
"Good morning!," Sana called cheerfully as Y/N sat down on the stool at the little breakfast table.
"Morning," Y/N replied quietly

"So? How was your date last night? Tell me everything," Sana chirped.

Sana was a tiny little woman. Barely five feet with a cropped pageboy and elfish features. Y/N met Sana at a nearby restraunt where Sana worked as a chef.
Y/N went to the restraunt to interview for a job as a waitress , which she did not get because she had absolutely no experience.
But it worked out because Sana heard about Y/N's situation and let her stay with her in her apartment.

Now Sana's face was a mask of horror as she listened to Y/N's recount of the night before.

"That son of a bitch ," Sana reached over and held Y/N's hand
"I'm so sorry Y/N " she said sadly.

"That's need to apologise ". Y/N
stirred her coffee.

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