Chapter Six: The Manager

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Y/N nervously stepped forward.
The woman looked her up and down critically .
" This is Y/N , she is looking for a job as part of the crew, " said Felix quickly.

"Hello Y/N, I'm Kim Jian the Manager, "
Kim examined the clipboard she was holding and wrinkled her nose.

"There is no information about a new
applicant. But I'll make an exception for you, Felix, " She pouted.
"I see that you are married. Good , you are almost fully eligible, " smiled Kim, eyeing the shiny band on Y/N's finger.
"I'm a little busy right now, but you can meet me back here tonight and I'll show you around, "
Y/N nodded . Kim apparently satisfied, gave Felix a big smile and sashayed away,
almost tripping over a box.

"We'll deal with Kim later, Chan is going nuts. We should probably go now, '' said Changbin , as he read Chan's texts.

They met up with the others at a small diner . There were no other customers except for an elderly man sipping tea at the bar.

" I saved a seat for you noona, " called out Han as soon as she entered.

Y/N smiled and slid in next to him. He smiled at her adoringly while the others rolled their eyes and laughed.
The light from the windows reflected on Hyunjin's ring and glared brightly.
"Noona is married?, " He said looking sadly at the ring.
Felix,Changbin and Hyunjin burst out laughing.
"That's my ring on her finger, " Hyunjin sipped from his can of Coca Cola.
"Noona is married to Hyunjin!?, " exclaimed Han.
Everyone laughed.

They left the dinar at around late evening. Y/N tagged behind them. She wondered why they were being so nice to her, a complete stranger. They had even bought her a meal even though she had refused. As they neared the hotel she happened to glance across the street.
The bench where she had met the guys, was occupied by a bulky figure .Before she could get a better look, a long truck drove in front by, blocking her view.
By the time it left, the bench was vaccated.
'Was there really a person sitting there before? Or was her mind playing tricks on her? ' Y/N wondered as they entered the hotel.

Kim was waiting in the lobby and attacked Y/N as soon as she step foot inside.
"Where have you been? You know your not supposed to hang out with them!, " She waved her hands around wildly.

Kim grabbed Y/N's arm and dragged her away .
"Bye guys! Bye Felix, " Kim called over her shoulder.
They ignored her.
"Bye Y/N! See ya later noona," They called .

Kim hissed in disapproval.

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