Chapter Nineteen: The Playground

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While Kim and Hannah went over the notes and designs, Y/N excused herself and went outside.
She took the elevator to the lobby and rushed outside.
She didn't have any money, so she had to skip breakfast.

It was nice to feel the cool morning air on her skin as she walked far away from the hotel.
Y/N had walked a good distance when she neared a little playground.

Y/N slipped through the gate and sat down on one of the swing sets.

The playground was empty except for a little boy and his mother.

The little boy who was playing in a sandbox opposite Y/N, looked up at her and smiled.

This cheered up Y/N and she waved at him.

The boy's mother was standing a few feet away, her back to the sandbox, her phone pressed to her ear in what seemed like a very important phone call.

Now the little boy was pointing at
"Me?," Y/N pointed to herself in confusion.
The little boy frantically shook his head and pointed at Y/N again, his eyes were huge.

Suddenly Y/N heard a crunch behind her as someone stepped onto dry leaves and a beefy hand clamped over her mouth.

"Hey there, pretty, " Minho whispered menacingly into her ear.
"It's been a while, "

The little boy let out a shriek and ran towards his mother. 

Y/N reached up and tried to pry off his hand but it wouldn't budge.

The little boy had run off to his mother and was now frantically pulling at the hem of her dress.
She grabbed her skirt and pulled away. She ignored him.

"I know where you live.. you can't hide from me you little slut, "  He pressed something cold into her palm.

Y/N struggled to get free when she heard someone scream.

The little boy's mother was now gaping in shock as Minho tried to drag Y/N off the swing.

"Fuck, stupid bitch, " He hissed as the woman began dialling a number on her phone. The police, no doubt.

"I'll be back for you, " He growled and ran out of the park.

The woman, followed by her son, rushed over to Y/N who sat dazed on
the swing.

She stared at what was in her palm.
A necklace... he had given her a necklace.

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