Chapter Seventeen:The Designer

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Kim yanked Y/N's sheet, making her fall onto the floor with a painful
Thud .

Y/N sat up on the floor and rubbed the side of her head.

"Did you really have to do that?,"
Y/N groaned.

"No, I didn't have to, I just wanted to, "
Kim sat on the edge of her bed and laced her sneakers.
"Hurry up, we have a busy schedule. And if you do well... I might just think about hiring as my assistant!, " Kim added.

"Is the paycheck gonna be worth it?, "
Y/N stood up and began making her bed.

"Are you kidding? Working for a big company like JYP?, " Kim said in awe.
"This job is like the best thing that happened to me, " She sighed.

After Y/N got dressed, She followed Kim to the dressing room on the fourth floor.

"So today we are doing some costume fittings, " Kim explained to Y/N.

"We have some designers and tailors coming in to take some measurements, " Kim checked her wrist watch.
"Oh! They'll be here any minute, "

"The guys are having breakfast in their rooms, they will be done by now so you should go tell them to -,"

Kim was interrupted by Changbin who opened the door and poked his head in.

"Kim? Jeongin dropped his bowl on the carpet and there is a huge stain-, "

"That's ok, Room Service can deal with that, But since you're already here, can you please tell the others to come down?

"Yea, sure, " Changbin met Y/N's eyes for just a second before hastily looking away.

He looked..almost embarrassed and shy.

Which was strange because Changbin always struck Y/N as a dark and tough guy.

"Was it him?," she wondered as he closed the door.

A few minutes later the door opened and a stunning, tall woman walked in.
She was dressed in an elegant white pantsuit and black stilletoes .

"Mrs. Hannah!," Kim rushed over to her and shook her hand.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice. Y/N, come meet Mrs.Hannah
the designer, " Kim said.

"Shall we begin?, " Hannah said shaking Y/N's hand.

I'm sorry for such a dull chapter..
(Mrs.Hannah? Seriously!?)
But I kind of needed some build up for the next one.

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