Chapter Three: The Churro

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Y/N was interuppted from her flashback
as someone sat down on the other end of the bench.
He was a pale guy, about 20 with wavy hair a mixture of brown-blonde.
He was eating a churro with one hand while playing with his phone with the other. She looked at him, he seemed really familiar.
He saw her staring and smiled, she blushed . He was really cute.

"Helloo I'm Bang Chan " he grinned .
He had a funny accent , like an Austalian or Brit.

"Hi.. I'm uhh..Y/N " she mumbled

"Ooh that's a cool name, Wanna bite ma
churro?," He said

"Umm What!?" Y/N flushed

"I meant would ya like some?," he offered the half eaten churro.
He noticed her skeptic look.

"Oh wait..there!" He flipped it over so the unbitten side faced upwards.

Y/N giggled and took a polite bite as he held it up for her.

"Woww" he said,
"I never had a girl lick ma churro before"
He said grinned.

Y/N choked ..She coughed
"I also never had a girl choke on ma churro before either" he patted her back.
This made her cough even harder.

Chan asked Y/N some questions about herself which she replied to with vague answers.
He saw nothing wrong and went on talking cheerfully.
Y/N spaced out after a while and stared at the building in front of the bench, his voice became faded and comforting.
"He's like a white noise machine " she thought .

"Hey, what are those people doing ?" Y/N asked a while later.
The building in front of them was surrounded by vans and cars, people in black t-shirts went in and out carrying bags and boxes.

"Oh that? JYP rented that hotel .We are staying here for a few weeks, to shoot some videos and promote our next album, so they are moving our stuff in ." He explained.

What was he talking about? What is a JYP and what Album? Y/N sat up a little straighter.
As she did so, the poster in her pocket slipped out and fell to the ground through the gap between the boards of the bench.

Chan noticed and with suprisingly long arms, grabbed it and dropped it onto her lap .
"Thanks" Y/N took the poster and unrolled it.
"Your welcome ," he went back to his phone with another smile.

Y/N looked at the poster . And then at Chan. And then she looked at the poster again and then again at Chan.

Y/N exclaimed and dropped the poster onto the ground.

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