Chapter Sixteen:The Kiss

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Y/N decided to call it a night. She said goodnight to the guys  and slipped outside.

His battery charge had run out so he quietly opened the door and slipped into the hallway.
His room was opposite to the one where the party was.
He was about to go inside his room, his hand on the doorknob when the door behind him opened.

He looked over his shoulder.

Y/N was just about to go downstairs when she noticed the outline of a figure infront of her. His hand was on the doorknob but it was too dark in the hall to tell who it was.

"He must have been about to go inside," Y/N thought as his body went rigid and he glanced at her over his shoulder.

"Uhh..I'm sorry..anyway..good- ,"
His breath caught in his throat as he turned around.
She started to say something.
But before she could finish, he closed the distance between them, grabbed her waist and kissed her full on the lips.
Her body went limp with suprise at first,
but Y/N started to respond.
Her arms encircled his neck and pulled him closer.
He pushed her against the wall and kissed her neck .

Y/N was breathless. She had never been kissed like this before, Her skin was burning from his touch.

But all throughout the kiss she kept thinking;
Oh who is he?
Who is he?
Jisung? Felix? Chan? Jeongin? Changbin?  Seungmin? Woojin? Hyunjin? Minho?

Finally her mystery kisser pulled away, he let go of her waist and after a quick peck on the lips, he
quickly opened the door to the room where the party was and disappeared inside.

He closed the door behind him and dropped down onto a futon.
His face was burning red.
He couldn't believe he had done that.
He hoped she wouldn't know it was him....
All the same he was glad he had seized the day.
He had gotten to kiss the girl of his dreams.

The Mystery Kisser's identity is a secret...
But you can imagine him as your bias..shhhh

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