Chapter Nine: The Fire Alarm

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After the date night fiasco with Minho, he would call Y/N and Sana late at night and when they didn't answer the phone,There would be a threatening message on their answering machine.

But he really stepped out of line the day after Sana had left.

Y/N was alone in her appartment, watching some tv when there came a knock on the door.
She hoped against all hope that Sana had comeback. When she opened the door there was nobody there. 'Stupid kids ' thought Y/N as she stepped out into the hallway.

Y/N spotted a big potted plant at the end of the hallway, just as she was about to go check behind it, someone pulled her from behind by the hem of her shirt.

She turned her around and he was grinning down at her like a maniac.
Sweat pouring down his temple.
He gripped her shirt with one beefy hand while holding a pocket knife with the other.
"If you scream I'll shove this into your
p***y!, "

"I won't scream, just let me go, " Y/N tried to sound calm but her voice cracked and she was trembling all over.

"I'll make you shut up, you slut, " He pulled her inside the apartment where he shoved her onto the couch.
Minho threw the knife onto the floor and made a grab for her chest. Y/N slid off the couch and fell onto the floor.
He made another grab for her and missed again.

Y/N made a split second decision and grabbed her handbag from the
coffee table
and ran towards the door
with Minho following close behind.
She ran out into the hall , turned around and flung her handbag and hit Minho in the face with such force he stumbled backwards.

Taking his slight delay as a chance, Y/N ran towards the end of the hall and pulled the fire alarm.
Doors flung open and panicked tennants
crowded the entire hall, Minho lost sight of Y/N as the crowd moved towards the stairs.

Y/N ran down the stairs , taking two steps at a time. Near the landing was an elevator, Y/N got in and ignored the thunderous noise of footsteps and crying children coming down the stairs.

Outside, it was freezing cold, Y/N only dressed in a thin cotton shirt and shorts, sprinted towards a bus stop on the corner. 15 minutes later a bus pulled up and she got on. Thankfully that months rent was inside her handbag.

She used it to pay for her bus fair. She didn't need to pay rent. She was never going to go back there again.

There was just enough money for a night at a hotel, she would figure things out in the morning. For now she was too exhausted to care about anything.

She closed her eyes as the bus drove off into the night.

*The main character is kind of badass. Well.. the heroine doesn't always have to be such a
pathetic softy all the time.

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