Chapter Twenty-Two: The Pool of Blood

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Minho was good friends with the gaurd who had let him in to the hotel as a personal favour.
Avoiding the plain clothes-men was easy as well. All he had to do was stick to the shadows.

He had then waited until the patrolman had gone upstairs before picking the lock of that stupid girl and her annoying friend with a piece of wire.

It wasn't his first time breaking and entering. Far from it.

When he opened the door, Y/N's bed was empty while her roommate, snored in hers peacefully.

He had risked everything to sneak up there and the fact that, that bitch wasn't in her bed like she was supposed to, infuriated Minho.

He moved over to the snoring woman and grabbed her neck with one beefy hand.

Kim let out a shriek and sat up, her eyes bulging.

"Where is she!?, " Minho was growling menacingly.

"I don't know, " Kim wimpered pathetically.

"I don't kn -, "  Minho's patience ran out and he hit Kim on the back of her neck with brutal force.
A crack sound echoed in the room.

Kim's body went immediately limp and slid onto the floor with a painful thud.

Minho was just about to leave when he heard a sudden splash and the sound of running water coming  from the bathroom.

He smiled like a maniac.

He soundlessly moved to the bathroom door and slowly turned the door knob.

He stepped inside. There was no one there.

The water tap was turned on and was filling the sink.
There was something else  inside the sink too. It looked like paper?

But before he could take a better look, he caught a slight movement of the shower curtains from the corner of his eyes.

Found you

"I finally got you, " He reached for the curtains.

"And your gonna pay, " He growled and with a quick motion, he pulled the shower curtain away.

"Hiiiiyaaaa!, " Y/N yelled.

Before Minho could react, she smashed the vase she was holding over his head.

With a thunderous crash, it broke into a million pieces, tiny bits of ceramic flying everywhere.

Minho fell onto the bathroom rug, his head resting in a pool of blood.

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