Chapter Twenty-one: The Envelope

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After the incident at the park, Kim had made sure the security was fool-proof.

There were was a watchman patrolling the hallways, plain clothes men stationed outside and guards at the front door.
The crew had been given special cards and withought them no one could get in.

The next few days went by pretty normally.
The guys practised hard everday for their comeback stage while Y/N helped Kim with important preparations.

After a busy day of organizing the event schedule and sending it off to headquarters for approval, Y/N trudged down to her room, got ready for bed and snuggled under the covers.

*crinkle sound

'Huh!?' Y/N reached into the covers and pulled out a small envelope.
Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Kim came inside.

Y/N quickly stuffed the envelope under her pillow and pretended to be asleep.

Kim changed into her favourite Hello Kitty pyjamas and got into her own bed.

"I know you're still awake, " Kim said before turning off the lamp.

Y/N waited until Kim started snoring.
"Wow..she sounds like a chainsaw"
Y/N thought in amazement.

Y/N slid the the envelope out from under her pillow and silently padded across the room and into the bathroom.

Y/N hopped up onto the wide sink and pressed her back against the wall, almost causing a vase on the sink to topple over.

She gently tore open the envelope, careful not to make any sound.
She gently pulled out a folded peice of paper.

A handwritten letter;

Dear Y/N

Ever since the day we met... I can't help but liking you.
The way you smile, The way you bite your lower lip thoughtfully ...
Who cannot help but fall for you.
And that night we shared that kiss?
It just made my feelings for you stronger.
I just cannot hold it back anymore..
Y/N, I love you.

Your Admirer-

*muffled shriek

Y/N was interuppted from her letter by Kim shrieking from the room.

"Where is she!?, " said a voice that made Y/N freeze in horror.

The letter she was holding slipped through her numb fingers and fluttered into the sink.

"I- I don't know ," Kim wimpered.
"I dont kn- "

Y/N swallowed back a sob.

'Kim! This is all my fault, " Y/N thought in horror.

Y/N's hand accidently brushed against the tap, opening it..
(It was one of those slide-to open slide -to close taps....idk)

With a loud gurgling sound, water began spraying into the sink.
The letter Y/N had dropped into the sink was now soaking wet, the ink had become blurred and completely ineligible.

Her one chance of finding out who her Mystery Kisser was.

But that was the least of her worries..

Her psychopath stalker was attacking Kim and was probably coming for her next.
There was no doubt that he had heard the tap go off. He was coming for her.

Y/N watched in silent terror as the bathroom doorknob began to turn.

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