Chapter Seven: The Intern

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" Well aren't you popular with the boys, "
Kim chided as they reached the fourth floor.
Y/N remained silent as they navigated through the boxes .
At the far side of the hall was a huge door.
Y/N reached for the doorknob out of curiosity.
" Wrong door!, " Kim said impatiently and opened a much smaller door straight across from it.
"That's the room used for dance practise, This is where we will be
working," Kim said as they went in.
It was a really big room, racks of clothes and costumes lined the wall, a series of mirrors and tables with boxes of cosmetics took up most of the space.

Kim settled herself in a chair in front of a mirror . She motioned to Y/N to join her.
"You don't look like much, but we can change that, " Kim admired herself in the mirror.

"Uhh.. Thanks, " Y/N replied sarcastically.

"From now on you will be my intern. Based on your performance at the end of the week I'll think about hiring you!, "
Kim hopped off the chair and went over to a rack.

" This would look nice on you, " She held up a red plaid shirt.
Y/N thought the shirt was rather nice.
Kim pushed it into Y/N's arms and began picking out some more items.
She picked out a black chiffon skirt, white blouse , ripped jeans, denim shorts and jacket etc.

"Why would a boy group need so many female clothes?, " Y/N asked as the pile of clothes grew larger.

"If they want to hire some backup dancers it would be handy having spare costumes, You have to be prepared, " Kim sighed.

"Why don't you try some on, " she gestured to a partition in the corner.
Y/N gathered the clothes and went behind it. 15 minutes later she emerged wearing the plaid shirt and chiffon skirt.
Kim jumped up and down.

"You look great, " she said enthusiasticly before she got herself together.

"But those shoes have to go, " she pointed a manicured finger towards Y/N's ankle length zip up boots.

"With a skirt that short you need something a bit higher, " she rummaged through a box and pulled out a pair of knee high suede boots.
"Are the boots and all the clothes really necessary?, " said Y/N as she exchanged her shoes.
"They are if your going to be my assistant, " Kim said through gritted teeth.

"I'm going to be your assistant?, " Y/N asked startled.

"Hah, don't count on it, " Kim flipped her shoulder length hair.
"It's so much nicer seeing you without that stupid hoodie,"
Kim picked up the hoodie which hung over the partition and threw it on top of the pile of clothes.

"Carry those, I'll show you our room, "
Kim opened the door to the dressing room .

The room was on the third floor, it was reasonably big enough with two twin beds. An empty duffel bag on one of the beds already indicated Kim had unpacked.

" This is the bathroom, " Kim opened the door to a small but otherwise neat bathroom.

"Take this and go brush your teeth in the bathroom upstairs and get ready for bed, we have an early day tomorrow, "
Kim handed Y/N a tooth brush.

"Why can't I just use this bathroom?, " Y/N asked.
"Because I'm using it, " Kim shut the door.

Y/N reached the fourth flour for the third time that day, the boxes were still scattered everywhere.
As she passed by a rather hazardous pile of boxes, Y/N stumbled and with a loud crash, boxes began falling around her.

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