Chapter Twenty:The Psycho

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"Oh, you poor dear!," The woman exclaimed.

"Don't worry, the police are on their way, " She put an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

Her son, smiled shyly at Y/N and held her hand.
This gesture comforted her.

But she was still shaken to the core.

He had this necklace...he had been into our room ....He could have killed us..
He could have hurt Kim.

But maybe this isn't Kim's necklace?

Y/N thought hopefully

Maybe this is just one he stole from some other girl ..

About fifteen minutes later, two policemen arrived.

Y/N sat there quietly while the woman explained what had happened.

After they questioned Y/N, the policemen promised that they would do all that they can to arrest him.

They insisted on dropping her off at the hotel and Y/N was  escorted all the way to the lobby by a burly policeman.

The other officer had taken the woman to the police station to take an artists sketch of the criminal.

Y/N was received at the lobby by a flabbergasted Kim.
As the police officer explained to Kim what happened, The Guys walked in to the lobby.

They were suprised to see Kim talking to the officer and Y/N standing next
to them looking like she had seen a ghost.

"He..He gave me this..," Y/N held up the necklace and watched as Kim's face turned a sickly shade of green..

"My necklace.That means...he was in our room!," Kim whispered in horror.

"This sounds very serious...I'm going to station some plain clothes men at the hotel ..You will be safe enough until we capture this psycho, " He said grimly.

Y/N explained what happened to the guys and was immediately engulfed in a giant group hug.

"We won't let Y/N out of our sight!, " Woojin said determinedly.

"Yea..You will be safe with us, " Changbin said with a reassuring smile.

Y/N was really grateful for how nice everyone was being.. Yet she still couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen...

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