Chapter Twelve: The Necklace

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Y/N was woken up by the shrill sound of Kim's voice as she walked around the room.
"Where is it!?, " Kim shouted and began pulling out drawers from the dresser.
"Where is what?, " Y/N sat up groggily.

"My necklace, you won't believe how expensive it was, " Kim was hysterical as she began turning socks inside out.
"I promise i didn't take it, " Y/N watched as Kim attacked her bed dressing.
"I know you didn't, only a person with brains would figure out my brilliant hiding spot, " Kim pulled the casing off one of her
"Where did you hide it?, " Y/N asked wearily.
"I hid it inside- Uhh.. As if I'll tell you,"
Kim lifted up her mattress.
"I'll look for it later, we have a busy schedule, " Kim let the mattress fall back down with a loud bang.
"Get ready, " she hissed.
20 minutes later they left the room, still in shambles and headed up to the fourth floor.

"The crew have taken a break after they moved everything into the hotel.They will be back tommorow to start off, "
" Until then we should clean this place up before we get a lawsuit, " Kim gestured to the boxes.

They spent the morning moving the boxes to the side of the walls. They were too heavy to lift, so this was a temporary solution until the crew returned.

Y/N and Kim headed downstairs for breakfast and met the guys down at reception, So they all went to the diner on the corner.

After breakfast, Y/N spent the entire day helping Kim ready the dressing rooms, check the costumes, and organizing the all important schedule.

Y/N didn't see the guys at all since breakfast that day. Both she, and them were extremely busy. 'The Comeback' or
'The Deadline' as Kim called it was coming closer and closer. And as it did the pressure increased aswell.

Even though Y/N was exhausted,
She couldn't sleep due to Kim's loud snoring.

At one point Y/N couldn't take it anymore and got out of bed.
She checked the novelty digital clock on the nightstand. It was 1:30.

She padded barefoot across the room and stepped out into the hallway.
Suddenly she heard a sound. It made her
blood run cold.

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