Chapter Thirteen:The Dairy

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The noise was all around her. A steady thumping beat. Like she was standing on a giant heart.

She tried to ignore it but found herself walking towards it. She climbed the stairs to the fourth floor.

The sound was getting closer now as she stood on the landing of the fourth floor. The sound was coming from over her head. The fifth floor.

As she walked towards the steps
leading to the fifth floor, Y/N noticed something odd.
The moonlight was casting a soft glow
on the carpet, through the window on her right. It must have been open because the white curtains where fluttering and the heated hallway felt rather cold.

But the really weird thing was the shadow in the middle of the puddle of light.
Almost as if someone was sitting on the window sill. Almost as if-

Y/N stepped forward and with one hand, whipped the curtain away.
Seungmin who sat on the window sill,
startled, dropped the book he was holding.

It fell next to Y/N's foot.

"Y/N!??, " Seungmin stared at her in suprise.
"I'm so sorry, " Y/N picked up the book which had fallen and looked at the cover.
It was Seungmin's dairy.

"Thanks, " he hastily grabbed the book and stuffed it into his jacket
along with the pen he was holding.

"What are you doing up so late?,"
He moved aside and patted the space next to him.

"I was just thirsty, " Y/N lied and perched herself next to him on the wide window sill.

"Well, there is a vending machine on the fifth floor, " He grabbed a curtain and ran the soft fabric through his long fingers.

"I'll buy you a soda, " He looked at Y/N shyly.

"Thanks but I -," A strong gust of wind came through the open window and
blew Y/N's hair around her face.

"I insist, " Seungmin laughed and parted her hair with gentle fingers.

"Come on, " He stood up and helped her get down.

Y/N tried to be as graceful as possible but she stumbled and Seungmin had to grab her her arm to stop Y/N from
falling flat on her face.

Seungmin offered his hand which
Y/N took shyly and he led her to the stairs.

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