Chapter Eleven:The Chopsticks

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"Come on, " Sana took Y/N's hand and they both sat down on the sofa.
" What is it?, " Y/N asked nervously.
"It's a long story.. But here goes, "

While I was working at the restraunt a few days ago, a food critic came in and ordered some blood sausage soup, he liked it so much he even offered me a job at one of his restraunts.
But I declined because it's just so far away from home.
He stayed for a while awhile and asked me out on a date.
So we went to the bar on the corner,
I really like him, his name is Soeho Jin.
At the end of the night he asked me again if I was willing to work for him.
He offered me more money and the job as head chef.

"What did you say?, " Y/N asked, not really wanting the answer.
"I said yes, " Sana whispered.
"It's just such an amazing opportunity I couldn't resist, I hope you understand, "

"That's okay... where is the restraunt?, " Y/N asked quietly, trying to wrap her mind around it.
"Osaka, Japan, " Sana looked up at Y/N trying to read her expression.
"So.. Your leaving me?, " Y/N stared blankly at Sana.
"I'm so sorry but I really need you to be supportive, " Sana kneeled infront of Y/N and held her hands.
"Please?, " Sana was sobbing now.
"I'll leave enough money to pay next month's rent, and some extras for food and clothes, " She squeezed Y/N's hand.
"The post office is hiring, I'm sure you'll find a job, I know you can, "

"Okay, " Y/N sighed and tried to hold back tears.
"When are you leaving?, "

"Next week, Oh thank you for understanding how much this means to me!, " Sana hugged Y/N.

"I'll miss you, " Y/N sniffed

"I'll miss you more, "

Sana left on Friday, after they said goodbye at the airport, Y/N returned to an empty apartment.
The apartment had a strange air about it now. It was desolate, lonely and cold.

Y/N couldn't bare to stay there anymore than she had to and only came home in the evening after spending the day walking around the city.

One night, when she came home there was a package waiting for her at the front desk.

She went up to her apartment and opened it. Inside was a pair of chopsticks and a letter from Sana. It asked about how Y/N was doing and on the bottom was a forwarding address.

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