The REAL list

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Sara: GUYS! I found the real list!

Craig: What list?

Sara: The one that they rated all the boys from cutest to ugliest! I got it!

Kyle: But, I thought I was the ugliest.

Sara: NO WAY MAN! YOURE NOT THE UGLIEST! I'll tell ya how I got it!

Sara Explaining: Ok so,

1) The cop said that Kyle wasn't the ugliest kid in his class. Effectively removing Kyle from the last spot and from the list entirely (since we're not sure of his real position, he's taken off for now) and also leaving spot 16 blank at this point:

1. Clyde

2. Token

3. Stan

4. Bradley

5. Jason

6. Leroy

7. Kenny

8. Tweek

9. Kevin

10. Jimmy

11. Butters

12. Craig

13. Timmy

14. Francis

15. Cartman

16. -

2) Lola (The girl in the green sweater) said, "Unfortunately, the members voted Clyde in the bottom five of the list. "

3) Bebe said, "To move Clyde meant that Craig had to be moved to number twelve, which moved Jimmy down and moved Jason up!", (meaning at this point they had to switch Craig from position number 1 to 12 so Clyde could take the number 1 spot) putting Craig back at 1 and Clyde to 12:

1. Clyde - Craig

2. Token

3. Stan

4. Bradley

5. Jason

6. Leroy

7. Kenny

8. Tweek

9. Kevin

10. Jimmy

11. Butters

12. Craig - Clyde

13. Timmy

14. Francis

15. Cartman

16. -

4) Jason was 5 and Jimmy was 10 on the corrupted list, so if Jason was moved up, that means he was number 6 and Jimmy was moved down so he was number 9. When Jason was moved up to 6, it forced every boy from 5 - 15 (Jason - Cartman) to move up one spot and leaving spot 5 blank. The only person unaffected was Jimmy, who actually moved down from 10 - 9 skipping over Tweek and Kevin in the process:

1. Craig

2. Token

3. Stan

4. Bradley

5. -

6. Leroy - Jason

7. Kenny - Leroy

8. Tweek - Kenny

9. Kevin - Jimmy

10. Jimmy - Tweek

11. Butters - Kevin

12. Clyde - Butters

13. Timmy - Clyde

14. Francis - Timmy

15. Cartman - Francis

16. Cartman

5) Since the cop said Kyle wasn't the ugliest boy in the class (removing Kyle from the list), and there is no where else to put him other than position 5 after every other boy moved up to their respective spots, it makes Kyle's official spot number 5:

Reviewed "Real List":

1. Craig

2. Token

3. Stan

4. Bradley

5. Kyle

6. Jason

7. Leroy

8. Kenny

9. Jimmy

10. Tweek

11. Kevin

12. Butters

13. Clyde

14. Timmy

15. Francis

16. Cartman

So there you have it; Craig is the cutest boy in the class, Kyle's real spot is 5 and Cartman is the ugliest!

Clyde: WHAT?!?! Im not the cutest? Awe damn it!

Sara: Its ok, I think you're the cutest, I don't care about shoes so I'm not lying!

Butters: Oh thank god I'm not the ugliest! I won't be grounded!

Eric: DAMN IT! Stupid slutty girls!

Tweek: Im on the list? Wow.

Sara: But who the fuck is Francis?

Kyle: Who cares? Im cuter than Cartman, Im cuter than cartman!


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