Chapter 4

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After the two girls were out of sight, Leigh hurried to sit under the little house. She could not because people occupied the spaces for sitting. She sighed and stood instead. I guess it's not so bad. After they all leave I'll sit down.

And so said so done. When all people were gone, Leigh-Anne sat with her toy in her lap, waiting for Jesy. I wonder what she'll say about my hair. Her mother had been kind enough to offer to do her hair differently since she did not ask for anything for her birthday. Will Jesy bring a gift? She said she would at the party if she could make it. She really wanted Jesy to come so she could boast her to her friends. Jesy would be great at entertaining everyone. She was just so fun and cool and nice. And since Sairah would be there I could rub it in her face that Jesy is real! Then she'll have to pay me twenty pounds. Dumb loser. That was what she was looking forward to the most. She could see it already. Sairah would get all flustered and try to be in denial but then Leigh would jump on her back and pull on her hair until she agreed to give her money.

The girl looked around the bus stop for her friend when it started getting late. Where is she? She got up to look at the sky. As usual, it was cloudy but this time there was no rain. "Jesy?" She whispered looking up the side walk that Jesy usually came from. The road way up ahead was busy with people and huge red buses. Did Jesy really come from there? One day I should sneak behind her and follow her home so I can know where she lives.

Leigh stared and waited for Jesy to appear but no sign came about.

Her shoulders fell and her world plummeted as she started to think that Jesy was not coming today. She took a look at her watch. "It's already close to five." She blew out a breath and then proceeded to turn around slowly to head back to sit down.

She screamed as if she was being attacked when she saw someone facing her when she turned. The person was practically touching noses with hers.

"Heyo!" Jesy cried with joy.

Leigh-Anne was blushing like crazy with how close they were so she jumped back, holding her chest. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She was panting.

Jesy started doing a dance that involved waving her hands and skipping with her feet. "I'm unpredictable! You thought I only came from up there?" She pointed where Leigh had been facing. "Wrong! I can come out of anywhere!" She laughed and then ran up to Leigh so they could be close again.

Leigh-Anne caught her breath and stood straighter. She gulped then started laughing. It was soft and barely noticeable at first but then turned into a loud cackle.

Jesy joined her laughing just as loud. "What are you laughing at you freak? I swear you're like a crazy woman."

Leigh opened her arms. "Come 'ere!"

Jesy's face went pink. "Like a . . ." She did not have time to ask. Leigh tackled her with a hug and she almost fell back. "Whoa there." She rubbed the other girl's back feeling her insides refresh.

The hug lasted really long. "You wanna . . ." Jesy stammered wondering how long they would stay like this.

Leigh pulled away and put her hands at the back of her, her head facing down. "Sorry, I already said; I like hugs." She looked up and smiled.

"Right, I do too." Jesy told her. She suddenly looked impressed. "Would you look at that? She got the hair done for the big day." She whistled low with hands on her hips. "Nice." She raised a hand to touch it then stroked. She then sniffed her palm. "Mmm. Smells like purple."

Leigh-Anne laughed. "Do you mean lavender? My shampoo is lavender scented." She smirked feeling proud.

"No. I mean purple." Jesy breathed out. "You look pretty."

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