Chapter 30

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Around Saturday afternoon, the other girls' parents had come to pick them up. They'd said good bye to Leigh, Jesy, Leigh's dad and her sister with hugs and thank yous and seemed to have had a good time because they told their parents so as well as Leigh-Anne and the others. Jesy was now the only girl left.

Leigh swung her legs while watching Jesy pack up her stuff. The room felt empty now as all of her other friends were gone. She had a feeling inside that longed for more company. Her heart raced with apprehension for what would happen once Jesy left. She did not want to be all alone.

Jesy was now folding the pyjamas Leigh had given her. She had the trousers next to Leigh on the bed but held the top in her hands, admiring the girl and the ice cream on it. She held it down and giggled at Leigh-Anne who seemed to be staring. "Don't you have anything else to do?" She asked fondly, smiling.

Leigh-Anne stammered a little as she searched for words to save herself. I shouldn't be making things awkward. So what if we professed love last night? She perched her finger between her teeth and chewed on a nail. "I don't . . ."

Jesy raised her eyebrows as if expecting more.

Leigh removed her finger and scratched the back of her head. Yup. I'm an awkward mess. "Don't you have drama rehearsals for today? You said that you only went on a Saturday some time back." She had told her father that they would have to drop Jesy at that same theatre area a little later and he had agreed with little questioning.

"I do have drama today." Jesy sniffed the fabric then hugged it as if it was a comfort object.

Leigh tilted her head in observation. She gets attached to clothing I give her quick . . . wonder why. That was a good thing wasn't it? "So should I ask my dad to bring you to your school then? That is where your practices are right?"

Jesy finally stopped hugging the clothes and put it in her bag. "Yup." She put the backpack on her back then opened her arms. "Come down so I can hug you."

Leigh-Anne smiled and climbed off. She met Jesy eagerly and hugged her tight. "Why are we hugging? Do you intend on leaving now?"

Jesy sighed on Leigh's shoulder. "I kind of have to. Practice is at two and it's already that hour so . . ."

Leigh gasped, releasing Jesy. "Why didn't you say this earlier then?"

Jesy squirmed a little as her cheeks tinted pink. "You looked so excited to keep me for longer. It felt wrong to pop your bubble Leigh-Anne." She batted her lashes at Leigh like a child admitting to doing something wrong but seeking pardon.

Leigh pouted. "Sorry . . . I just . . ." She held Jesy's hands. "You shouldn't let me get in the way of what's important to you Jes." She started walking with her to the door. "I'll be fine. I'll miss you but it's alright." Something shattered inside her then. Do I have glass inside my chest? That was odd.

Jesy looked to be hiding disappointment. "Missing one practice won't kill me. Don't you want me to stick with you while you spend this epic weekend with your wacky dad?"

Leigh chuckled. Yes. "You need to get to your practice." She got Jesy to leave the room then.

Leigh and Jesy met Leigh's dad watching a sitcom on the flat screen with Sairah on her phone when they got to the living room. The man looked relaxed and content as he laughed occasionally at the punchlines.

"That's hilarious . . ." He turned and made out Leigh and her friend Jesy at the grand staircase. "Hey there pumpkin. What's up?"

Leigh swung Jesy's hand in hers. "Daddy you've got to take Jesy to her school now. She's got an important practice for an important play she's in."

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