Chapter 34

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"And then I just jumped into the fountain to save her life." Leigh was saying at the store with Jordan. She and Jesy were drying themselves off in front of the desk with towels over their shoulders. Jordan got them lunch so they both had fried chicken in front of them where they sat on the ground.

Jesy shook her head. "She slipped and nearly died." She said bluntly.

Jordan laughed. "Yeah you look more like the slippy type kid." She was also eating chicken.

Leigh blushed but laughed too. "I'm about as clumsy as they come." She took a bite out of the warm chicken and savoured the taste. "When did I last eat fried chicken?"

"Hope it wasn't as long ago as I have." Jesy bit from hers now. "This is good shit."

"So I take it that you had a cool ditch day with this rascal?" Jordan asked Leigh.

"Oh yeah. I am never going back to school again. F*ck education am I right?" She pumped fists in the air.

Jordan laughed at Jesy's wide eyes. "You broke her."

Jesy stuck her tongue out at her. She rubbed Leigh's shoulder. "Relax precious. You've got to go tomorrow remember?"

Leigh groaned. "Not if I don't want to."

Jesy shook her head. "Head girl? Vice secretary prefect? Those titles say hello."

Leigh sighed. "They're just titles but . . . fine."

Jordan pouted. "Why don't you want to go to school again?"

Leigh-Anne sighed then looked up. "Bullies Jordan. I'm having a horrid time at school because of a really mean girl and her friends."

"You're getting bullied? Damn. The standards must be high at your school. I thought you were like the most popular kid over there." Jordan was surprised. "You don't even wear glasses."

"Bet she'd look cute with them." Jesy added with food in her mouth.

Leigh waved them off. "It's not like that though. There's a girl who's made up a feud between me and her and even though I say that I don't want to feud with her she still strikes me and waits for me to strike back. If I don't strike back then she strikes again. The whole class loves it and whenever one of us lands a blow they respond as if it's a reality TV show. I don't like it. I just want things to be normal and to learn in peace. I can't even focus anymore because of her." She pointed at the band-aid on her forehead. "A stapler."

"An old man's stapler Jordan. That girl is insane. Leigh could have a concussion for all we know."

Jordan cringed. "Told your mum?"

Jesy laughed. "Her mum is another problem."

Leigh-Anne shook her head. "I don't think I want to. I just . . . I'm waiting to get out and forget any of it ever happened." She bit more of her chicken then chewed and swallowed. "Anyway, thanks for everything and sorry about the clothes."

Jordan shrugged. "Jesy'll just have to work here on Saturday to make up for the loss."

Jesy rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I've done so before."

Leigh smiled. Jesy would do anything for her. "I'm serious about the wedding though."

"Wow. And I can't even get a girl to look at me these days." Jordan clapped for Jesy. "Congrats."

Jesy smirked. "I'm better than most when it comes to relationships you see." She hugged Leigh. "We'll think of that when we're older."

"Okay." Leigh had heart eyes. She finished her chicken and then drank her soda. "That hit the spot." She then got to her feet. "Now for me to get dressed then hurry on down to my- holy chicken fingers!"

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