Chapter 19

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As soon as the last bell of the day rang Jesy sprung up from her seat and swung her backpack over her shoulder.

The friends of hers who were in her class got up fast too and started chasing.

"You tryna race us without giving a warning? You still ain't going to win!" Ray Ray chased her enthusiastically with Princeton and Michael on his trail, all of their bags galloping on their backs.

They followed her through the halls and out the entrance and met her at the gate.

Jesy only became aware of people following her when she stopped to take a breath. Her friends bumped into her back and made her fall on her knees. "Owww!" She shouted angrily, pushing the ones who fell off.

Ray Ray stood, dusting himself off then stretched out a hand to help Jesy up. She already had plastered bruises all over from falling 'down a cliff' as she said. He did not want her gorgeous skin to become more blemished. "You okay?"

Jesy took his hand and stood. She then frowned at him then shoved. "Idiot." She started laughing when the other boys did.

Ray Ray was embarrassed. "But I wasn't the only one who made you fall. If anything Princeton was the main reason. He pushed me."

Princeton had his hands raised and was shaking his head. "I didn't do nothing. This nigga over here is just tryna look for somebody to blame for his clumsiness." He pointed and laughed some more.

Ray smacked Princeton's hand away and cuffed his hands around his neck in a strangling manner.

Michael backed away with Jesy as exiting students stared while walking. "They're a couple of nimrods is all. If you stop to look you'll be disappointed. Neither of them can fight."

Some children laughed while leaving.

Jesy shook her head. "I am so glad that I finally have a smart friend I can talk to." She removed her hand from Michael's grasp. "All of you boys are stupider than dogs." She smacked behind his head.

Michael rubbed it and pouted. "I'm not . . . okay fine." He could not argue with that.

Jesy turned her attention to the squabbling boys. "Oy! Stop it! You're embarrassing me."

They stopped immediately and fixed their messed up clothing.

Ray Ray adjusted his tie then smiled smartly. "So, we gonna head to the playground for more gambling or what?"

"Yeah we should head there. I wonder where Prodigy and Roc are with Teddy." Michael was looking at the building. Plenty kids were running out like mad people. Their school was wild.

"Give them a couple more minutes. You know how Teddy gets distracted with everything in the halls already." Princeton was looking at his watch.

Jesy fanned. "Yeah you guys can head off without me. I've got to go pick up Leigh-Anne. I wanna do it early so she doesn't end up coming over here." She held the straps on her bag and appeared smug. "Sorry."

"What? You're leaving?" Ray asked. They all seemed stunned.

"You're still picking her up? Why? Can't she walk to her mum's work place on her own? We need attention too!" Michael shook up his body.

Jesy pushed him. "Shut up." She rolled her eyes. "Me and her need our time okay. She's special and so am I." She snapped her fingers in their faces a couple times.

"Special?" Princeton giggled. "Jesy if you wanna come out then do it."

Jesy stared at him. "I'll come out when you do."

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