Chapter 7

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Leigh had gotten tired by the time she traveled five blocks on foot.

She held a hand on the wired fence at her side and panted.

"Why is it shaking?" She looked at her hand and saw it tremble. She was starving wasn't she? That just made her feel more upset.

The child shook her head and walked further down, along the fence. There were cars driving on the road next to her which took no heed of her existence. Not one person on the street had asked why she was sad or at least why she was out of school. The security outside their school gate had been occupied reading a magazine so had not seen her leave.

"I'm lost aren't I?" Leigh-Anne was walking slowly with her head moving about to make out her surroundings. There was something like an apartment building across the street to the wired fence.

She looked at the fence to see what was behind it and noticed a short building. Her head tilted as she became a bit intrigued. It was open.

"I should go live there instead since Mum hates me now." She murmured running to the fence opening. As soon as she entered she passed the parked cars and went up to a side wall. She wanted to look through a window before she officially went in.

The girl stepped aside to get to where a window was. It was too high so she started jumping. "No use." She breathed out then shook her head.

Just then some voices came from the entrance.

Leigh frightened and ran far back to a corner. She got to the wall behind and peeked out at the people.

There were four children leaving the theatre. Each dressed in a green and white uniform.

Leigh-Anne raised an eyebrow. Two boys and two girls . . . This seemed familiar. The biggest girl was holding the smallest boy's hand.

"Yeah we got French today so I'm just gonna skip 'cause I can't stand the way the guy talks. Like ugh. He's so annoying." The second shortest said. She was a girl and her voice made Leigh smile.

Leigh-Anne realized who they were now. "Jesy!" She whispered happily. I've been on a secret mission to uncover Jesy the whole time. Great job agent Leigh. She nodded at herself still looking, wanting to know what Jesy did when they were not around each other.

"You should really take school more seriously Jesy." Said the older girl as they got nearer to the fence. "If we don't educate ourselves then we'd never make Mum proud. She does so much. It really lights up her world when we bring back good grades."

"Yeah don't be a worthless twat even though you are." Said the boy who was taller than Jesy. He smiled and then ran ahead right after Jesy hit his bag.

"Div!" Jesy screamed beginning to chase.

Leigh covered her mouth as she started laughing. Jesy and her brother fight just like me and Sairah do. Aww it's so cute on her. Jesy always looked superior and more mature in her eyes when they were together but now Jesy seemed like a regular little kid. I guess we're not so different after all.

"They're having a squabble again Jade. Make them stop." Said the little boy holding the older girl's hand.

"Aww." Leigh found him adorable. He was so short. He's the one who has Browns. She pouted thinking that she should have just given Jesy all of her toys so that they would be okay today.

"Break it up you two." The girl pulled them by their arms and then smacked both of them upside their heads. "You need to stop acting so foolish." She folded her arms.

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