Chapter 6

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Leigh-Anne did not know why Jesy's saying this made her nervous. She let go of Jesy's hand. "What is it?" She hugged her toy in apprehension.

Jesy looked at the door then Leigh, her face less uneasy. "I can't go in there."

Leigh wanted to know why. "Why not?"

Jesy sighed, looking to her feet then seriously at Leigh. "Because then you'd know."

Leigh-Anne gulped now and started sweating at her back. "Kn-know what?" Was Jesy confessing that she was her imagination? Leigh was scared. I should ask directly before I get too disappointed. "I would know that you're just an imaginary friend that I made up to play with?" She felt tears in her eyes.

Jesy's face changed to a frown of confusion. "What? What the hell? Bitch no. I was saying that you'd know that I'm kind of banned from that fun house because I tried to steal a woman's purse in there. What the hell are you talking about you weirdo?" She thought that they had already been over the imaginary friend thing. "Can't you tell when something's real and when it's not?" She held her forehead and shook her head. "Some people are just impossible. Ay-ya-yi."

Leigh sighed in relief. "Ohhhh. Okay. Phew." She giggled. "So you're real. I knew it!" She pumped a fist high then hugged Jesy again. She then let go, gasping. "You tried to steal someone's purse?"

Jesy put hands in her pockets and became aloof. "I had my reasons."

Leigh narrowed her eyes. "What reasons? Didn't you think she would need it?"

Jesy shrugged.

"Just like I might need my bear." Leigh put up an attitude for that statement. "You didn't let me say good bye to Browns Jesy."

Jesy rolled her eyes. "You've got loads of them kid. Missing one isn't going to kill you." She then sighed. "I like him okay? He makes sleeping easier." She looked into Leigh's eyes. "For both me and my little brother."

Leigh-Anne gasped. "You've got another brother besides your older one??" That sounded cute to her. Jesy with siblings.

Jesy nodded. "Yup. I've got a big sister too. She's older than my older brother."

"Wow. What are they like Jesy?" Leigh just wanted to know more about this girl who understood her so well.

Jesy smiled. "They're like me. We all fight a lot and it usually ends with my teeth in someone's arm." She laughed.

Leigh did so also. "Once I bit Sairah so hard that it bled." She remembered that time. She had gotten into a ton of trouble but she had considered what she had done a victory on her part.

Jesy laughed more. "High five."

Leigh-Anne got excited and hit her high. "Older siblings are like the plague don't you think? They think they know everything but they're just annoying." She had wanted to vent about Sairah to a person for a while now.

Jesy agreed. "Girl, tell me."

Leigh would have gone on but she still wanted to bring Jesy in. "It doesn't matter that your banned. They're closed for the evening. You can come in and have your slice of pizza and piece of cake about now."

Jesy looked at the door. "Eh nah. I don't wanna take a chance." She sighed. "Sorry Leigh." She actually felt bad that she was late and could not even go in. She did not know why but Leigh-Anne seemed to like her a lot.

Leigh's shoulders fell. "Sairah says you're not real and I want to show her that you are. Come on." She swung Jesy's hand in hers.

Jesy cringed. "Why do you care what she thinks? I'm real to you aren't I?"

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